- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Archives du BAC

43 507 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 2 341 - 2 355

  • Archimède et le nombre pi

    Archimède et le nombre pi

    Archimède et l’approximation du nombre pi I. Qui est-il ? Archimède était un géomètre, physicien, astronome, mathématicien, ingénieur, écrivain, philosophe et inventeur de l’Antiquité. Il a vécu entre 287 avant J.C et 212 avant J.C. Il vivait à Syracuse en Grèce où son père ; Phidias, était un astronome réputé.

    350 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Architecture d’intérieur

    Architecture d’intérieur

    1. Les principaux champs d'intervention Le professionnel de l’aménagement intérieur, qu’il soit architecte, architecte d’intérieur, décorateur ou designer d’espace, peut être amené à travailler dans plusieurs secteurs, en fonction de ses clients et de ses opportunités. Voici les principaux. A. Les habitations particulières Il s’agit de logements, maisons ou appartements,

    312 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Architecture et développement durable

    Architecture et développement durable

    Cher grand-père Je t’écris cette lettre car nous avons une même vocation : l’architecture. C’est donc à toi que je peux exprimer ma révolte contre ceux qui n’ont pas compris qu’ils mettaient notre monde en danger. Hier, j’ai regardé un documentaire sur l’état de la planète. J’ai été horrifiée !

    405 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Architecture matérielle

    Architecture matérielle

    Architecture matérielle Comme le montre le schéma ci-dessus la représentation de principe d’une carte mère. Les principaux composants : * La CPU (Central Processor Unit) composé de 2 parties qui sont le Controller qui gère la synchronisation et le traitement des instructions d’un programme cadencé par une horloge, les instructions

    920 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Archive cours

    Archive cours

    2 LES RELATIFS 1/ LES PRONOMS RELATIFS (phrases affirmatives et négatives) QUI : who (personnes) which (objets, choses) that (personnes, objets, choses) QUE : idem REMARQUE IMPORTANTE : WHO, WHICH et THAT sont facultatifs lorsqu’ils se traduisent par QUE Ex : c’est une femme que j’adore she’s a woman (that/who)

    921 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Archives électorales

    Archives électorales

    QUELQUES NOTIONS D’ARCHIVES ELECTORALES Lucrèce TOTO Chef service archives CENA 97 49 21 22 Année 2017 INTRODUCTION La Commission Electorale Nationale Autonome (CENA) est l’organe administratif chargé de la gestion des élections en République du Bénin. Elle a plusieurs attributions aux nombres desquelles la conservation de la documentation électorale. Cette

    1 493 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Arduino


    * The invention of the rubber eraser is attributed to the English engineer Edward Nairne ( 1726-1806 ) * It wasn’t until 1770 that we discovered that a natural rubber made from plants could be used as an eraser. That year, English engineer Edward Nairne accidentally picked up a piece

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Are all citizens one the year equal jogging in modern-day in India?

    Are all citizens one the year equal jogging in modern-day in India?

    The notion which I am going to handle concerns places and forms of powers. I am going to speak here about India because it is the rather complex country which changes quickly for several years now. We shall answer has the following problem:Are all citizens one the year equal jogging

    697 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Are athletes really worth their salaries

    Are athletes really worth their salaries

    Athletes salaries are a problematic subject. Different points of views discuss on the subject, some people think they are too much pay and other they deserve it. Some are even thinking that’s not enough for the performance them give. The question is, are athletes really worth their salaries? If we

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Are disabled people really integrated into our society?

    Are disabled people really integrated into our society?

    SYNTHESIS FILE: ‘EQUALITIES AND INEQUALITIES’: ARE INEQUALITIES IN THE UK Those documents deal with what disabled people undergo in their daily life but also at work. People with disabilities take part of our society. They want to live fully and to be useful. But they face barriers because of their

    504 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Are humans more intelligent than animals?

    Are humans more intelligent than animals?

    Are humans more intelligent than animals? NO! * Humans ARE animals Humans believing they must somehow separate themselves from nature by raping the land, taking what they want, and giving little to nothing back is what is making this world a complete state of chaos. We are animals, but if

    980 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Are possessions or experiences more important?

    Are possessions or experiences more important?

    What is more important to you: possessions or experiences? We should spend our money and time on what makes us happy and countless researches have shown that experiences tend to bring us more happiness than material possessions. Experiences are definitely more important to me. First of all, because experiences become

    381 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Are social networking sites good for our society?

    Are social networking sites good for our society?

    Spellemaeker Martin 1G3 Are social networking sites good for our society? According to the dictionary, « Social networks are platforms for interaction between people. They facilitate the creation and exchange of information between users and between users and brands ». These social networking sites are part of our society’s daily

    735 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Are superheroic values still relevant ?

    Are superheroic values still relevant ?

    Superheroes are now part of our daily life: advertising, cinema, bookstores, fashion or food, the golden goose of the 21st century is constantly spreading to all fields. Beyond their media impact, they often reveal themselves as social mirrors of the epoch in which they evolve, not hesitating to get

    1 157 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Are the smartphones really making us stupid?

    Are the smartphones really making us stupid?

    First of all, the answer to this question is yes, smartphones are really making us stupid. The smartphones ,as the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy S20, are really sophisticated. We could use them as an really good tool, but we decided to use it as it’s bad way to be

    271 Mots / 2 Pages
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