Are the smartphones really making us stupid?
Commentaire d'arrêt : Are the smartphones really making us stupid?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Léa Labissière • 13 Décembre 2020 • Commentaire d'arrêt • 271 Mots (2 Pages) • 500 Vues
First of all, the answer to this question is yes, smartphones are really making us stupid. The smartphones ,as the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy S20, are really sophisticated. We could use them as an really good tool, but we decided to use it as it’s bad way to be used. We barely use it to go on internet and know more about the world and the outside. We are most likely using it to go on social media’s so, we have less and less knowledge about the world around us. We use our smartphones to create our own lives, we don’t really care about what’s outside of our little world. Smartphones are clearly making us dumber and dumber. Thirty years ago, if we would’ve haved smartphones, people would’ve been so much smarter. We don’t realise how it could help us be much more intelligent than we could be if we’d use them well, it is a gift. Also, we cannot act in real life, because we do everything that’s physically possible by our phones. We are very lucky to have them, but we should learn how to use them in a better way, because it gives us access to so much things that in the past would’ve never be known. I really think that smartphones could bring us something good and special, but we don’t learn to use them properly. So if we don’t educate ourselves to start using them well, we will keep on being dumber and dumber everyday and our futur générations won’t know about the real world we are living in, but just their own little lives.