Are all citizens one the year equal jogging in modern-day in India?
Dissertation : Are all citizens one the year equal jogging in modern-day in India?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Charlene Villaespesa • 27 Décembre 2017 • Dissertation • 697 Mots (3 Pages) • 823 Vues
The notion which I am going to handle concerns places and forms of powers. I am going to speak here about India because it is the rather complex country which changes quickly for several years now. We shall answer has the following problem:Are all citizens one the year equal jogging in modern-day in India?
At first we shall study two disparities, in the first place disparities enter citizens then between the men and women and to finish we shall see the evolution this Indian company.
India is divided into four uneven, hereditary and social castes, establishing the system of castes. The system of the castes of India is one of the forms of social stratification the most former to the world. If somebody was born in one of these castes, he cannot change or marry somebody belonging to an other one. Another caste exists, but it is that we call one except caste, as the untouchable or the dalits.
Even if the system of distribution is forbidden, he always exists in rural areas and the discrimination to Dalits always exists. Indeed, they are forced to use specific places of restoration(catering), schools, temples and in sources of water.
Today, there is 170 million Dalits in India and more than 40 % survives with less than 2 dollars a day. It is the most important shape of discrimination among the citizens in India.
There is furthermore also a discrimination between men and women
Indeed The tradition of the dowry is the biggest disparity among men and women. When an Indian gets ready to get married, her families have to give a dowry or a present to the family of her future husband by way of compensation to the parents of the bridegroom for the educational expenses of their son. If after the marriage, the family of the girl did not pay the dowry, the woman is subjected to the torture and is sometimes even killed.
Furthermore, India has another problem: they missed 50 million girls in India today. Many girls are killed in the birth for numerous reasons and this practice is called infanticidal of the girls. There are several reasons in these murders. The first one is the tradition of the dowry: to raisea boy is financially more attractive because you can receive from some money when the boy gets married. A girl is not also attractive financially as a boy because their parents have to pay for his marriage. Another raisonCe boy can take care of family businesses and to name when the parentsare old. Even if he is illegal to know the sex of a baby before the birth, the selective abortions according to the sex are practised.
In 2011, the infanticide of the girls pulled an imbalance between the sexes it has 940 Indian girls for 1000 boys there. The case of these Indian girls, we studied him in an entitled text Antoher Girl telling the story of a mom named Kavita having to give birth to a girl.
In spite of these disparities, we can finally say that India is a country in transfer.
Today, India is the subject of two narratives of duel. On one hand, there is a side of the poverty. Approximately two thirds of the population of India live
Under the poverty line. For example, shanty towns extend around cities as New Delhi where the poor Indian population lives to find an employment.
On the other hand there is an Indian tiger: even if many Indians are still poor, India the economy quickly changes. India has a very important GDP (growth of the internal product): approximately 7 or 8 % a year. The high-tech cities grow everywhere in the country. These high-technology cities such as Bangalor looks like the science fiction. India is in the center of IT communication revolution. The graduates are confident in the development of communication technological sector and want to work in these cities. India is at present a country with a great talent of engineering and management with one very an entrepreneurial spirit among his citizens. It is a country on the march because his economy does not stop being transformed thanks to the fast development of the high technology