What are the critical factors you need to consider in any promotional strategy for an international hotel chain?
Dissertation : What are the critical factors you need to consider in any promotional strategy for an international hotel chain?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lucas Poisson • 2 Juin 2017 • Dissertation • 1 094 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 165 Vues
What are the critical factors you need to consider in any promotional strategy for an international hotel chain ?
After 3 days of lesson and one presentation about « differenciation, segmentation and target marketing », I will write an essay about this subject.
I will talk about the impotants factors in promotionnal strategy of an internationel hotel chain.
I’m starting to introduce « what is a promotional strategy », second the target of the promotion. Third, the technical of the promotion. Fourth, Adaptation to the customers.
First, a promotionnal strategy is an action set up by the firm, with yhe idea to develop the brand image of the product. It’s during a specified period for a special product. For example, when Accorhotels buy some hotels in a new country, they start a promotionnal strategy to develop the business in this country.
Second, the target of the promotion is one the most important factors in promotionnal strategy of a firm. Before to start the promotion, the firm have to choose « who is the target of this promotion ». A firm must to choose the good target because if they choose not the good people, the promotion is missed.
The basis of a good marketing strategy is to define who we are addressing, to identify our target clientele.
It is important to define your customers, to know as much detail as possible and to be able to recognize it among all your visitors. This will allow your business to start in the best possible conditions, be sure to place these efforts in the right place and thus put all the odds on your side to have the highest possible success rate.
A successful promotion, can enable the company to retain its customers. Customer loyalty is especially useful for increasing the company's turnover. Know that a satisfied customer is the best advertising for your business.
Third, the technical of promotion represent the means used to communicate to customers about the product.
Television has the immense advantage of appealing to several senses by combining sound and image. It creates emotions and contributes to fame effectively. However, it requires a larger investment budget compared to other types of media because of the combination of production and broadcasting costs.
The display takes the form of paper posters or digital screens, the communication strategy by the display attracts attention. There are different formats in various places.
Radio is the most reactive media in the transmission of a message. It is used heavily when it comes to selling a stock, advertising a promotion or distributing any punctual information as an exceptional opening. The radio is particularly listened to at home or in transport, and is sometimes broadcast in shops.
The press remains one of the media most used by advertisers. A structural crisis affects it and the appearance of the web has strongly weakened the position of many titles due to the high production costs. Still, some titles still work very well. This channel of communication remains particularly interesting because it makes it possible to target a readership both nationally and regionally. The daily press represents a prestigious support for advertisers when they try to work their institutional communication, announce the release of a new product or communicate on local events. The press in general can be very responsive and remains strongly supported by other media, which often consider it as qualitative. For its part, the magazine press has the advantage of reaching a targeted audience and becomes excellent when it comes to having good returns. It contributes to the reputation of a brand and remains perceived as one of the most reliable media thanks to the time given to the production of the content. It makes the reader attentive and brings a prestigious image to the company.