Speech about the gender equality
Discours : Speech about the gender equality. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kimjeon • 16 Octobre 2022 • Discours • 387 Mots (2 Pages) • 387 Vues
Speech gender inequality :
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm reaching out to you because we have to end gender inequality.
I find it sad that to this day we are still talking about it when it should be over. In what we consider to be modern times, and where we have many ways to end this inequality, women still suffer pay inequality, physical or sexual assault because they wear a dress and men see it as a sign that they want to be assaulted or worse. So, for the record, if a woman wears a dress or any other form of clothing that enhances her, she does it for herself, not for some rude man who thinks he's a real man. So for all the "real men", you can also be feminists and fight for this equality because if you were in the place of these women, you would not have liked this kind of behaviour, am I wrong? So we need everybody, every voice counts to stop this.
Men often say that women have no place in the world of work when, statistically speaking, two thirds of the world's illiterates are women. How can we blame them? Give them an education and we will see if they are really incapable or if we have simply not given them the tools to be capable. Furthermore, in 24 countries around the world, women need the permission of their husbands or legal guardians to work. Seriously? In these years that everyone considers modern, women have to ask their husbands if they can work like children? When the right to work should be normal, legitimate.
Moreover, one third of women have suffered physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, which is shocking for the person and marks her for life. And all this is a consequence of this inequality.
I said earlier that men should be feminists too, for the simple reason that these women who are victims of inequality and violence could be your mothers, your sisters, your wives, your daughters or any other woman in your own life.
So if you believe in equality, I invite you to speak up and fight, all of you, men and women, for this precious equality.
Thank you very much for listening to me.