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Are we always free to make our own choices ?

Dissertation : Are we always free to make our own choices ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Novembre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  528 Mots (3 Pages)  •  6 930 Vues

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GREGOIRE                                                                                                20/10/2017



Anglais – EE

Topic: Are we always free to make our own choices?


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Make our own decision freely, it is actually an impracticable goal as the society has influence us on what they should do and what they should not do. In our actual society, people are freer to make their own choices than we were before, but there is always a cost if we want to transgress rules that the society has set. Are we always free to make our own choices? We will respond to this ask by using 3 parts composed by 1 idea and 1 example per parts.

First of all, one of the main event that can affect our choices is our “situation”. For example, a financial situation can make us make another choice, if we want something like a new phone but we don’t have the budget needed we can’t make our own choice, it is deflected by the financial fact, situation matter on that topic.

Moreover, people that are close to us, such as our parents and friends, often limit the choices that we can have in our life. For instance, parents can limit our education options by pressuring us to study the subjects they want, and friends can affect our decisions by encouraging us to do something we don’t necessarily want to do. Moreover, if we insist on not following their actions, we may be discriminated and isolated by them. Therefore, parents and friends are among the people that will affect our decisions.

Besides, our society plays a role in limiting our choices. For example, in some countries the freedom of speech is non-existent, those countries are usually controlled by corrupted governments. The people who try to express their opinions about the governments' actions will be accused of treasons, and be sentence into prison or to death penalty. For instance, we can mention the witch hunt or the communism “red scare” in the USA. With this, the governments will have full control over the choices people can have.

To put it in a nutshell, our choices are not entirely our own. We must keep in mind that every time we make a decision, there are many factors that can affect it. Sometimes our decision is not even ours and we believe that we are making our own choice, indeed, we can be controlled without even realizing that someone or something else is doing the choice for us.


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