BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 591 - 1 605
Global warming
oday we are going to talk to you about global warming. Today there is a risk for humanity and the greenhouse gas is increasing and the ecosystems are in danger. But it's a very vast subject so we're going to talk to you about deforestation which destroys many trees each
452 Mots / 2 Pages -
CHAPTER 12 : GLOBALISATION 1. Introduction : * the second half of the 20th century = a real milestone: * development of air transport, huge ships * expansion of new technologies * large companies : * benefited from advances in technology and new investment opportunities * crossed national borders :
766 Mots / 4 Pages -
Globalization and its discontents - Stiglitz
NOTION : SPACES AND EXCHANGES Text 4 – Globalization and its discontents by Joseph Stiglizt (2002) Vocabulary Globalization: the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale Summary The author tackles the subject of globalization. He mentions that it is necessary
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Globalization, a boon or a bane?
Globalization, a boon or a bane? °GLOBAL VILLAGE : coined by M.Mcluhan to describe the way the world has became a village and the speed of communication and exchanges. °WTO (OMC) : Goal -> to supervise and liberalize international trade. 153 members dealing with the regulation of the trade btw
907 Mots / 4 Pages -
Glossary assignment
Glossary assignment #2 1. ‘Amalgamate’, verb Synonyms: Blend, fuse. Definitions: When two or more companies combine together to form one big organisation. Translation: Fusionner. Example: To be more efficient and worldwide known, these two companies should amalgamate. 1. ‘Barista’, noun Synonyms: Barman, barmaid. Definitions: A person, behind a counter,
271 Mots / 2 Pages -
God father
Video document : The Godfather part II who A young boy (aged 9/10) Immigrants from… men women, old people, women with children Men in uniforms : officers Doctors and nurses where In America : statue of Liberty in the background In NY harbour near the statue On an island :
475 Mots / 2 Pages -
God save the queen
The death of Elizabeth II, the end of an era for Britain Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96, she was Britain’s longest-reigning monarch. She ruled for seven decades. She passed away on September 8th, 2022, in her Balmoral castle. Immediately after Buckingham palace announced her
363 Mots / 2 Pages -
Golden door
The text under study is the lyrics of Alicia Keys’ song: ‘Empire State of mind’. In her song, Alicia Keys mentions a lot of places of New York, such as Brooklyn, Broadway, streets and avenues, Harlem… Then, she says that her town is noisy and loud because there are sirens
475 Mots / 2 Pages -
Golden Dreams Questions
1) I think that the best is the third poster because he shows a train and railways on a bridge with pillars who represent a prison, we can see eyes and hands who are behind the foundations as it was a someone locked up moreover, the title is “La jaula
723 Mots / 3 Pages -
Gordon Ransay horrified by hygiene in restaurant kitchen
Compréhension Orale Anglais Gordon Ransay horrified by hygiene in restaurant kitchen This document is a video extrated / taken from a famous TV show entitled / called / named Kitchen nightmares and strarring British Chef Gordon Ramsay. The video steals with the lack of hygiene in the kitchen of an
406 Mots / 2 Pages -
Gothic description
At the first sight, we can see that the sunrise illuminates this beautiful dark landscape of the painting. Tis sunrise gives a particular atmosphere. Indeed, the settings of gothic paintings and novels are always mysterious and terrifying. The landscape seems to be desolated. At the background, we perceive a castle
283 Mots / 2 Pages -
Gothic literature
Gothic literature Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley, 1818 _The literary genre that I will present is the gothic genre, the question that we will ask ourselves is why can we say that the novel Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus illustrate the gothic genre. _Thirst of all I would
530 Mots / 3 Pages -
Gothic literature, The World of Imagination
Thématique : The WORLD OF IMAGINATION : Sous-thème : Gothic literature The notion which I am going to present you is “The world of imagination”. It’s the ability to think about things which do not exist. The notion of imagination is like mental creative ability. To begin with, writers have
1 485 Mots / 6 Pages -
Grammaire anglaise
L’ARTICLE DÉFINI 1. Cas d’omission 1. Devant les indénombrables (indeterminés ou avec sens général) * Les noms abstraits Ex : Ø life is hard. Ø country life is hard. * Les noms de couleurs Ex : Ø green is the colour of the hope. * Les noms de matières et
1 363 Mots / 6 Pages -
Grammaire anglaise
Grammaire anglaise I. Présent simple a) Les valeurs de bases du présent simple • Enoncer des vérités générales. ex: Women live longer than men. • Enoncer une caractéristiques du sujet grammatical. ex: Helen comes from NYC. • Décrire une fait habituel. ex: He reads the paper every sunday b) Les
504 Mots / 3 Pages