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Speech for the l.g.b.t.q community.

Discours : Speech for the l.g.b.t.q community.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Mai 2019  •  Discours  •  543 Mots (3 Pages)  •  577 Vues

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In life, we all have differences , some peoples are dogs owner, some prefer cats, others are working at a dinner, and some studies subatomic particles, and again some persons like steaks and other don't eats meats at all , and their are people who like men over women's or women's who prefer to be call men, AND all this peoples are human being like you and me , So let me ask you this why are some of this peoples taking apart why are they being push to change for the good will of other who does not accept someone can be different, today I want to talk about the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and transgender who rights as humans being are attacked,

The LGBT community is being persecuted in country all over the world with the authority being enable to help, most of them look away or even participate in violence against them, their are being rape, stole, forced to take hormonal treatment from the youngest age, some are even executed just for exist. truth is: all humans being are born free and equal in dignity and rights, it doesn't make them less humans to love someone different than you, it does not make someone less humans to have a different religion than you; and it also does not make someone less humans to be a women or different ethnicity, what make all of this peoples human is their humanity that we all have in common, I ask you to use empathy , to put yourself in their shoes would it be normal for a straight persons to be considerate as a criminal just for being with the persons they love,

Now there are some who say and believe that all gay people are pedophiles and that homosexuality is a disease that can be caught or cured but that is simply not the truth, and people need to star understanding that someone can be different than them and stop worried about if it disturb them or if they feel frightened because it's not about them it's about the gay people don't have to hide them self in regret and just love them self because their were born this way.

Humanity as make great change over the last century for making life on earth equal for all of us the work for that isn't finished yet changed like that take time and the LGBT community as been neglected for a long time but now is the time to change and actually doing things that matter and change the way we live. in the world their are already country who starts to recognize the problem and actually trying to stop the persecution against the LGBT community, in the USA they create a tool kit to help the authority protect them, South Africa start looking for a solution against violence against LGBT people, ,and like so we need to keep fighting and one day i have hope that it will never again be a crime to be Gay and that everyone will see the truth and the only truth that all persons are created free and equal in dignity and rights.

thanks you for listening to me.


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