The reasons for the immigration
Analyse sectorielle : The reasons for the immigration. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar croquetttes • 16 Mai 2015 • Analyse sectorielle • 388 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 030 Vues
The notion of space and trade requires the movement of people or goods between countries through immigration, tourism and trade. Interactions and exchanges across the borders have become easier and faster. But it has not always been the case.
What were the different immigration waves to America and how have they shaped the American society?
At first, I’m going to talk about The reasons for the immigration. Afterwards, I will talk about The travelling conditions. Finally, we’ll see The consequences on the Us society.
I.The reasons for the immigration.
The immigrants were destitute and they lived in dire straits. America was seen as a land of opportunity. They would become well-off, all people were on an equal footing, and there were no social classes. People could become wealthy very quickly, and climb the social ladder. People were yearning to live in an open society and to start from scratch.
II.The travelling conditions.
There were different waves of immigration. Immigrants from Ireland, Poland, Great Britain, Italy, Germans, about a dozen of ethnic groups. They arrived to Ellis Island, the immigration center off Manhattan. This islan was the first place the immigrants saw, before discovery New York City. The arrival at Ellis Island was an extremely stressful experience for most of them. About five pere cent were turned away, for a reason or another. Also, they underwent medical inspections to verify that they were not sick, and immigrants were anxious because their future life depended on the decisions made by inspectors.
III. The consequences on the Us society
Waves of immigration result in the creation in the home communities of foreign origin countries. At first their way of life is often miserable, where all foreign are gather : it is the melting point. Moreover, they are the immigrants who built America’s cities. Buildings were built thanks to blue collard workers who were immigrants. They sacrified their life to build the country (dams, roads and other infrastructure) and it was a very tough job. And after the Depression (1929) jobs were created because all of that was built
In conclusion I would like say that even if they are immigrants who built cities of America, the Country’s laws are more stringent today. For exemple, in Arizona, a law passed in 2010 state that any person suspected of being an illegal immigrant may be arrested ans detained for further questioning.