- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

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  • Guns in the USA

    Guns in the USA

    States "Shall Issue": Florida and Georgia In this case, a permit is required, issued under certain conditions: • Have a minimum age (often 21 years) • Be a resident of the State States "May Issue": California and New York A permit is required, but it is issued by the local

    875 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Guns in the USA

    Guns in the USA

    1. This text is an autobiographical story. 2. This scene is set in 1986 and is in Chicago. 3. Le narrateur avait 11 ans, il habitait a West Baltimore, en Philadelphie. A cette époque le jeune garçon vivait a une époque très meurtrière des USA surtout à chicago. 4. Ce

    315 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Guns in USA

    Guns in USA

    vTo introduce my speech, I will give a definition of space and exchanges. A space is geographic zone, which can be a town, a country a continent or a simple store. A exchange is an interaction between 2 or more people. It can be a commercial or a cultural exchange,

    1 004 Mots / 5 Pages


    COMPTE RENDU : H&M TO END « INDIRECT » RELATIONSHIP WITH CHINESE SUPPLIER AMID « FORCED LABOUR » ALLEGATIONS Cet article, adapté de The Independent publié le 16 Septembre 2016 traite de la marque H&M et du travail forcé en Chine. H&M est un magasin de vêtements actif au niveau

    258 Mots / 2 Pages
  • H-G Fiche de révision

    H-G Fiche de révision

    L'allemagne nazie durant l'entre-deux guerres (années 1920-1930) 1923 : Coup d'Etat raté à Munich. Hitler est emprisonné, il écrit Mein Kamph ou il résume toutes ces idées. 28 Février 1933 : incendie du Reichstag (parlement Allemand) Hitler fais accuser les communistes, 4000 d'entre-eux sont arrêtés en camps de concentration :

    763 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Hacker report

    Hacker report

    Welcome Hello everyone ! This report will be devote to the dangers of internet. We have decided to invite a former hacker who became an officier in cybercriminality. Saif: Hello We will nickname you Mickael for security reasons. Léo: Hy Saif: Why did you decide to become a hacker ?

    257 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Hacktivists


    Hacktivitsts is an activity practiced by the hacker. People who, with their technical knowledge, break into computer systems. There are two types of hackers : black Hats, and White hats. Black Hats are malicious hackers with intentions to steal, exploit and sell computer vulnerabilities and data. The white hats are

    542 Mots / 3 Pages
  • HAINGO case study

    HAINGO case study

    My first name is HAINGO, H for hotel, A for Apple, I for ice-cream, N for Nadia, G for garage and O for October. and I am 23 years old. Currently, I live in Villejuif, in the department 94, south of Paris. But I come from the capital of Madagascar

    430 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Halloween


    Halloween Halloween is originally a celtic festival called « Samhain » When people used to set bonfires white wearing costumes and doing rituals. The word halloween comes from the expression « All hallows Eve » . It is celebrated on the 31th octobers. The day after is the « All

    280 Mots / 2 Pages


    HALLOWEEN With its pumpkins, its monstres costumesand its children knocking on the doors of the houses to collect candies,Halloween is a famous celebration in all english speaking countries. Now , it's even celebrated in France. It's celebreted on October 31. This celebration has got two origins . The first one

    375 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Handball


    I’m going to tell you a story about my favorite sport : handball. In the first time, I’m going to give a definition of this notion : this is a game where we need to put the ball in the goal. Right now, I’m going to explain what happens in

    259 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Hans Holbein the younger analyse The Ambassadors

    Hans Holbein the younger analyse The Ambassadors

    Biography: Hans Holbein the younger was a German printmaker and painter. He was born in Augsburg in 1497 and dead in 1543 in London. His father and brother was painter, so, he study in the painting workshop of his father one of the most prestigious of his city. Style/period: Hans

    463 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Harry Potter, a hero ?

    Harry Potter, a hero ?

    Harry Potter "Hero": A mythical or legendary character having accomplished extraordinary facts, a person who stands out for his courage against the danger or the main character of a work. Harry Potter is a fantasy literary series written primarily by Joanne K. Rowling, whose fictional sequel ended in two thousand

    388 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Harry potter.

    Harry potter.

    Tout sur les films Harry Potter était britannique, de l'endroit au casting, avec Rowling insistant pour que Warner bros ne pouvait utiliser que des acteurs britanniques. Les bêtes fantastiques compensent cela en nous introduisant à l'Amérique, côté du monde de sorcellerie, où la magie locale est apparemment influencée par la

    1 487 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Harvard


    Harvard Harvard is a dream for many students. It is located in the city of Cambridge. Harvard is the first university in the United States because it is the oldest, (the university was founded in 1636) with a great reputation, iconic campus, quality teaching and the most prestigious thanks to

    295 Mots / 2 Pages
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