BAC Anglais LV1
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Fiche oral - power
Power I’m going to present you the notion of power and to illustrate it I would like to talk about the political power in England. So first what power means? We can define it as the ability or capacity to do something, to oblige someone, which make the owner stronger
896 Mots / 4 Pages -
Fiche oral anglais
L’idée de progrès I am going to talk about the notion of The Idea of Progress First of all start to begin with i’d like to give a definition of the notion The Idea of Progress: over the centuries, scientific and technical progress has brought more comfort, better health care,
456 Mots / 2 Pages -
Fiche oral myths and heroes
Notion 1: Myths and heroes I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. A hero can be either a fictional or a real person that we consider brave and strong physically and mentally. He is admired for his achievements and who inspires a lot of people
713 Mots / 3 Pages -
Fiche orale idées de progrès anglais
I will introduce you to the notion of the idea of progress. To begin, I am going to define the notion of progress. Progress can be understood as an advance which contributes to enhance our lives. It is a term that covers a multitude of issues whether they be social
727 Mots / 3 Pages -
Fiche pour oral anglais terminale
Myths and heroes I/ Introduction Myth : A myth is a legendary story about a hero or deal with people who did spectacular thing or miraculous situation who made history, the myth travel in time in many places in anytime. The myth is not necessary be real indeed mythical story
557 Mots / 3 Pages -
FICHE RAPPORT STOECHIOMÉTRIE DE LA RÉACTION DE L’ALUMINIUM AVEC HCl Groupe :00003 Noms : Joel Dubois et Thomas Godbout MESURES Température de l’eau et de la pièce ( °C ) : 22 295,2 k Pression atmosphérique ( mm Hg ) : 753,6 ± 0,5 Masse d’aluminium ( g ) :
606 Mots / 3 Pages -
Fiche réussite anglais
Expressions -Where were you when the crime was committed? Où etiez vous ……? What were you doing? Que faisiez-vous…. ? What happened next ? que s’est-il passé après ? I heard a noise….. I saw a person leaving I was watching TV when suddenly somebody screamed. I was walking …when
258 Mots / 2 Pages -
Fiche space and exchanges
I. Native American, the spirit of the frontier - John Gast, painting, title, 1872 American expansion of the west + manifest destiny - Woman : Blond, white, floating Book = enlightenment, knowledge Stars = American flag Goddess Colombia - Movement : Right to left
390 Mots / 2 Pages -
Fiche synthése Ecosse anglais
Geographical features of Scotland: Scotland was a small country consisting of lowland and highland. Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. Scotland shares a single land border with England. The island of Ireland is about 30 km from the southwestern tip of Scotland, and Norway is about 400 km to
266 Mots / 2 Pages -
Fiche synthèse oral "Trainning period/ Ireland"
My Training Period in Ireland I did a training, in Ireland, in Swords near Dublin at the parapharmacy Boots. Firstly, let's talk about Ireland : The capital city of Ireland is Dublin. There are 4.5 million inhabitants two languages, are spoken in The Republic of Ireland : English and Gaelic
348 Mots / 2 Pages -
Fiche: l'histoire de la poésie
Fiche poésie Au XVème siècle : Auteurs important : Charles d'Orléans et François Villon Texte a caractère autobiographique sur les thèmes de d'amour, de la nature, du temps qui passe, de Dieu. Fin XVème, apparaissent les grand rhétoriqueurs qui joue avec la langue française et surtout avec les sonorités Au
901 Mots / 4 Pages -
Fiches anglais
G7 SUMMIT 2019: IS CONSENSUS POSSIBLE WITH TRUMP IN BIARRITZ? Video who is talking about the recent G7 summit in Biarritz hosted by president Macron. The purpose of this summit was multiple: * The environment; * Social injustices; * Economic Development; * Reorganization of global trade; THE CETA (COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC
554 Mots / 3 Pages -
Fiches anglais sur le thème espace et échange
SPACES AND EXCHANGES: Illegal Mexican Immigrants crossing the US border. INTRODUCTION : The notion that I’m going to deal with is « SPACES AND EXCHANGES ». I'd like to start with a definition of the notion. Spaces and exchanges are tightly related. In fact, the different spaces of the world
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
Fiches D'anglais Pour Le Bac
Myths and Heroes “The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example” (Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister and Novelist) Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela: both exceptional heroes because of them we are alive today It isn’t easy to be at
2 147 Mots / 9 Pages -
Fiches des notions en anglais
SPACES AND EXCHANGES Today, i’m going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between their population. In the following presentation, my work will be divided into 2 parts : In the first
1 256 Mots / 6 Pages