Fiches des notions en anglais
Synthèse : Fiches des notions en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar menou2019 • 5 Décembre 2019 • Synthèse • 1 256 Mots (6 Pages) • 584 Vues
Today, i’m going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between their population. In the following presentation, my work will be divided into 2 parts :
In the first part, I’m going to cope with the immigration which means the notion of spaces, and in the second part, I will talk about the social network, source of exchanges.
First of all, for many people, immigration is the only way to support themselves. Some people need part of their homeland to find job opportunities in a dream contry, like the USA. Those people are ready for everything to achieve their goal : live undocumental, cross the boarder illegaly with a smuggler, find a menial job…This determination can save them, or lead them at loss. Indeed, they are not always well received, and sometimes, they don’t want to mix themselves with other cultures. For exemple, in an article from the famous newspapper « The Guardian », they explain the situation of blacks carribeans migrants, who can’t integrate bescause they want to keep their identities. The American dream becomes a utopia.
Secondly, social network are becoming more and more important and famous in our generation. Facebook it’s part of the notion spaces and exchanges because according to some people, these social network serve as a place of exchanges between people around the world. But this site can be source of isolation. Indeed, by visiting this site, people ignore their surrondings, they are convinced that their social life rests on this network, forgetting real life. I addition, social network can be source of school failure for many teenagers. They are easily devolved by various posts they receive, and have bad results.they are completely disconnected from the outside world. In a newspapper article from « The Guardian », the author, Paul Harris denounces the misdeeds of social network. These would make us like zombie.
To conclude, I can say that the notion of spaces and exchages can be interpreted i different way according to the extract studied. This notion is constantly evolving in the sense that everyone communicates and acts differently.
Today, i’m going to deal with the notion of Ideas of progress. The ideas of porgress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change which contributes to making the world a better place. In the following presentation, my work will divided into 2 parts. In the first part, I’m going to cope with the robotic advance, in the second part, I will talk about the scientific progress and in the third part, I’m going to treat the subject of social network.
First of all, the machines are increasingly presnts in our society : in our kitchens, our salons, our gardens…Each year, researchers created new machines that can do difficult tasks for us. But by evolving quickly, the scientists apprehend these machines that take more and more our places in our society. For exemple, in the text « Man VS Machine », a robot named Wilson was created, and he is smarter than us. That worries some researchers who think by some time, robots will replace humans.
Secondly, scientific progress is invented all the time, but they are sometimes modeled since science fiction novel. Some scientist think they have invented something they didnt create, somethingthat existed before. For exemple, in the extract from the novel « Brave New World », human cloning is cited by the author who tells the creative process. The book was written in 1932 while the scientific creation of human cloning was carried out in the 21st century.