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Fiche oral anglais

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Par   •  19 Mars 2018  •  Fiche  •  456 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 087 Vues

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L’idée de progrès

I am going to talk about the notion of The Idea of Progress

First of all start to begin with i’d like to give a definition of the notion The Idea of Progress: over the centuries, scientific and technical progress has brought more comfort, better health care, longer life expectancy and new forms of free dom. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world could become better in terms of technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilization’s vision of history.  

Les thémes:

This year we worked on the topic of A sustainable world.  We asked ourselves ‘So why the ressources of our planet so important and how can we preserve them ?’

Les documents:

- ‘Stop Wasting’

- ‘Humanity falls into ecological debt’

- ‘Fair Trade’

The first document picture is entitled ‘Stop Wasting’ indicates in percentages the different components of our bins.

The second document i’d like to talk mention is ‘Humanity falls into ecological debt’,   the texte is talking about the problem of excessive consmption ans it's conséquences on the Earth's ressources.

And the third document is a passage from ‘Fair trade’, the document is going to present the different technic of Trade according to the principles of Fair Trade

What is the relationship between these 3 documents ?

Among the whole of propositions offered by the notion ‘The Idea of Progress’. I chose to speak about The human beings we trends have far too much to waste, to go always farther except that he forgets that one day these resources are going eventually exhaust. That's why we have several solutions for this problem the sustainable development, sustainable developement is important beacause we must preserve the environement and it's natural ressources that is to say fish trees or water for futur generation which brings to the notion of sustainability, it is the idea to meet people’s compromising the future as regards the storageof water, raw materials, human health and the environment.

The document 'stop wasting' illustrates components of our such as : ( Nappies, Garden waste, Kitchen waste, Metals, Plastics, Other, Glass, Textiles). The second documents speak the ecological debt : Humans have used up more ressources and produced more waste this year than the planet can cope with.

The situation is worring because the countries that did not consume a lot are now diveloping very quickly. Fair Trade is a strategy a policy for endind poverty and promoting sustainable development, objectif

Conclusion :

If we want to make it easier for us, we will be able to provide a better quality of life for our future generation. What I call the progress it is the ecology and sustainable development, then i believe together we can succed and changed the world


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