- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 531 - 1 545

  • Francais 1

    Francais 1

    À la lecture du texte de Plutarque « Vies parallèles – Vie de Nicias », de celui de J. Jacques Rousseau « Discours sur les fondements et l’origine de l’inégalité parmi les hommes » et de « Race et Histoire » de Claude Lévi-Strauss, nous allons nous demander comment ces

    726 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Français Paragraphe argumenté.

    Français Paragraphe argumenté.

    Aiche Sofiane S03 Français Paragraphe argumenté L’œuvre qui est étudiée est le Frontispice de L'Encyclopédie dessiné par Charles-Nicolas Cochin en 1765 et gravé par Benoit-Louis Prévost en 1772. Benoit-Louis Prévost était un graveur français et a vécu pendant le XVIII ème siècle. Il a réalisé plus de soixante planches de

    571 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Franchises in Morocco

    Franchises in Morocco

    ABSTRACT In the recent years there has been an increase in the number of franchises created in Morocco. Essentially in the ready-to-wear and the Fast food sectors. At this level, it is found that when it comes to the well-being sector in Morocco, it indeed is a weak part, but

    378 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Francis Ponge « Le Cageot », Le Parti pris des choses

    Francis Ponge « Le Cageot », Le Parti pris des choses

    Francis Ponge « Le Cageot », Le Parti pris des choses INTRO Lorsqu'il publie en 1942, Le Parti pris des choses, Francis Ponge rompt avec la tradition de la poésie lyrique, qui plaçait au cœur de l'écriture poétique le « je » du poète, sa sensibilité ses émotions. Le Parti pris des choses se

    782 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Frankenstein tout ce que l'on doit savoir

    Frankenstein tout ce que l'on doit savoir

    Log Book Novel :Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Author's introduction: Mary Shelley describes her novel as “My hideous progeny” p10. For the author, this novel is her own monster, her own child created from her soul with words. In this novel, we get an insight on Mary.Shelley’s emotions, thoughts and

    2 906 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Frankenstein, analyse chapitre 7-8

    Frankenstein, analyse chapitre 7-8

    Mary Shelley – Frankenstein Passage 4) Chapt. 7-8 Summary of the passage: On their return to the university, Victor finds a letter from his father telling him that Victor’s youngest brother, William, has been murdered. So Victor decides to leave immediately for Geneva. As he walks near the spot where

    927 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Frankenstein; Possible texts.

    Frankenstein; Possible texts.

    Frankenstein: Possible texts 1) Secrecy and isolation: Victor and the Creature are similar because they are both loners and isolated. They are both rejected by society. They try to make everything to be happy. But they don't have a normal life as the others. Victor feels guilty because he has

    623 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Freedom of expression as it exists in the United States is not a good example

    Freedom of expression as it exists in the United States is not a good example

    Mariam Burton HOMEWORK Freedom of expression as it exists in the United States is not a good example for me, and I could not encourage or even want all states to have such freedom of expression. Every country has its freedom of expression, a freedom that is sometimes limited, but

    332 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Freedom of speech

    Freedom of speech

    Should the Freedom of Speech be preserved ? introduction: Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's ideas via speech. 6 January 1941 – Four Freedoms speech given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under Article

    1 078 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Fresco from Danny Devenny and Carlos Latuf

    Fresco from Danny Devenny and Carlos Latuf

    This fresco is the work of Danny Devenny and Carlos Latuf. Danny Devenny is the former(old) member(limb) of the IRA and Carlos Latuf the Brazilian political caricaturist. The fresco was produced during summer, 2012. This mural is a part of International Wall which is a place of tourism in Ulster(Northern

    316 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Frida Khalo, Self portrait as Tehuana, 1943

    Frida Khalo, Self portrait as Tehuana, 1943

    Introduction: This painting is a self portrait that Frida Khalo started painting in 1940 and finished painting it in 1943. This painting goes by different names the main one being “Self portrait as Tehuana”, the painting also goes by two other names being “Diego in my thoughts” and “Thinking of

    488 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Friendship


    Friendship For me Friendship is unbreakable, nothing can break it. It’s not something that you share with everyone, you can’t choose and you can’t have dozen of REAL friends it’s impossible, friendship mean trust, help and brotherhood. For me having a real friend is like having a brother someone that

    2 783 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Frightening Monday morning

    Frightening Monday morning

    Bouquet Clément 2nd 2 Frightening Monday morning It was early, the sky was still dark and the bright yellow stars were covered by a thick layer of clouds. The wind was blowing violently and I could hear the branches of a tree banging against the tiles of my roof. It

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fritzrovia


    Références du devoir Matière : Anglais Code de la matière : AN21 N° du devoir : 1 (tel qu’il figure dans le fascicule devoirs) Pour les devoirs de langues étrangères, cochez obligatoirement ☒ LVA, ☐ LVB ou ☐ LVC Vos coordonnées Indicatif : 3220028593 Nom : Betolle Prénom : Maéva

    771 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Frog and snail

    Frog and snail

    Frog and snail Presentation: We are a French delicatessen with imported products such as cheese, wine and frogs on the seaside in Barcelona to eat in or take away. People often ask me why I opened a French delicatessen - wide variety of local products in France which are recognized

    361 Mots / 2 Pages
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