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Frankenstein, analyse chapitre 7-8

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Par   •  18 Décembre 2016  •  Commentaire de texte  •  927 Mots (4 Pages)  •  2 247 Vues

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Mary Shelley – Frankenstein

Passage 4) Chapt. 7-8

Summary of the passage:

On their return to the university, Victor finds a letter from his father telling him that Victor’s youngest brother, William, has been murdered. So Victor decides to leave immediately for Geneva. As he walks near the spot where his brother’s body was found, he sees the monster and becomes convinced that his creation is responsible for the death of William.

Victor learns that Justine has been accused of the murder. Victor proclaims Justine’s innocence, but the evidence against her seems irrefutable. Victor refuses to explain himself he is scared that he will be taken for a madman.

The same day there is the trial of Justine. Elisabeth takes even his defense because like Victor, she knows that she is innocent. Justine confesses to the crime, but tells Elizabeth and Victor that she is innocent. They believe her but Justine is soon executed. Victor feels very guilty.

Characters of the passage:

Alphonse Frankenstein: He sends a letter to Victor to tell him that William is dead.

Victor Frankenstein: He returns immediately to Geneva when he learns the bad news but he is afraid. He feels very guilty because he knows that it is the fault of the monster that he created.

Henry Clerval: He is with Victor when he reads the letter from his father. He is very sorry for him and the family.

The Monster: He kills the brother of Victor, William.

Ernest Frankenstein: He welcomes Victor but he his very sad. He explains the situations to Victor.

Elizabeth Frankenstein: When she sees the dead corpse of William, she faints and she feels guilty about William’s dead. She cries a lot and defends Justine.

William Frankenstein: We learn in this passage that he has been murdered.

Justine Moritz: She is accused of the murder of William but she is innocent. At the end of the passage she confesses the crime, believing that she will thereby gain salvation. So she is executed.

Themes in the passage:

Death: We learn that William has been murdered and Justine executed so two people are dead in this passage.

Sadness: There is an atmosphere of sadness in the family. Everyone is very sad because of the death of William.

Guilt: At the beginning Elisabeth feels guilty about William’s death and Victor feels very guilty during all the passage.

Innocence: Victor and Elisabeth know that Justine is innocent.

Fear: when Victor comes back to Geneva the fear overcome him.

Argument : How can we see the guilt of Victor in this passage ?

When Victor visits the spot where his brother has been murdered, he sees the monster that he created. He understands immediately that it’s the monster who has killed William.

« Alas! I had turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery


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