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Étude de cas : Fritzrovia. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Avril 2021  •  Étude de cas  •  771 Mots (4 Pages)  •  333 Vues

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Matière : Anglais

Code de la matière : AN21

N° du devoir : 1

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Indicatif : 3220028593

Nom : Betolle

Prénom : Maéva

Ville de résidence : Perpignan

Pays (si vous ne résidez pas en France) : Pays

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Partie 1. Compréhension écrite / DOC 1

1/Read the document and identify the following information.[pic 5]

  1. The artwork is located in London’s Whitefield Gardens.
  2. The name of the artwork is the Fritzoria Mural.
  3. It was made by two mural artists commissioned by Camden Council, Mick Jones and Simon Barber.
  4. It was made in 1980.
  5. They want to promote heritage and conservation awareness, as well as involve more kids into their heritage.
  6. The problem is that the mural was being vandalized so it’s decayed over the years.

2/Answer the following questions.

  1. The public meeting happened Tuesday, September 21, 2010
  2. The plans will include details about the restoration of the mural and also will promote local public space to diverse all the commercial developement going on. It’ll also includes, if enough funds are raised, projects to raise awareness of conservation and some activities for kids to be aware of their heritage with a booklet where it contains oral histories of the people involved as well as a trust to protect the mural in future years.
  3. The mural could be restored during the summer of 2011 after there’s enough funds.

3/Read carefully paragraph 3 and give at least three exemples of how the project plans to help the local people.

  • They plan on do workshop with local children’s at an exhibition by local artists guided tours and a celebratory event.
  • A booklet filled with oral histories of local people and mostly a preservation trust to protect the mural in the future.
  • They’re planning on teaching new conservation skills for the local people’s.

Partie 1. Compréhension orale  / DOC 2

Questions :

  1. The name of the mural is Fritzrovia
  2. The building is 60 feet high.
  3. It represents the life of the local community in the 80s
  4. At the top there is a lot of construction going on representing different jobs at the time, there’s also a family reading around a table.
  5. The center is full of bus and cars representing traffic.
  6. On the bottom it shows some people in a PUB restorant,even  a pregnant woman but there’s mostly graffiti that vandalized the mural.

1/Qu’elles étaient les intentions de l’artiste qui a réalisé cette fresque 


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