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Frightening Monday morning

Dissertation : Frightening Monday morning. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Novembre 2016  •  Dissertation  •  411 Mots (2 Pages)  •  581 Vues

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                                Frightening Monday morning  

It was early, the sky was still dark and the bright yellow stars were covered by a thick layer of clouds. The wind was blowing violently and I could hear the branches of a tree banging against the tiles of my roof. It was impossible for me to sleep, the excitement was too strong. I was sitting peacefully, in the dark, on my double space bed, waiting for the time to pass by.  Every minutes seemed for me to be hours.

Today, is the day, the day were I could prove to myself that I can exceed my limit. I’ve been dreaming to do this rather crazy and terrifying but incredible experience for years. When the sun finally showed its bright colors, it was still quite early, but I had to prepare myself to go. My mother, thinking I was still asleep, rushed down the stairs to access my room, knocked gently at the door and told me that we were in a rush. I took a couple seconds to finish to pack everything needed and head down stairs. The whole family was sitting at the large table of my living room eating breakfast. I couldn’t eat, because of too much impatient and exhilaration. When everybody was ready to leave we jumped in my father’s car and headed off to the destination of my dreams. The sky was completely bleu, the clouds of the early morning had completely disappeared and we could perceive the powerful bright sun through the window. After a very long and tiring travel for the whole family, we arrived. My excitement continued to rose. For the first time in my life I was going to bungee jump at more than 100 meters high.  

To arrive at the location of the jump we had to pass through a small ascendant path in the middle of the woods only accessible by foot. After, a couple minutes of walk I could distinguish a large white panel were was noted the direction to take to access the place of the bungee jump and how much time left to walk. After reading this panel, my excitement was transformed in scare, I was completely terrified. We continued our walk and arrived. When I    


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