- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 501 - 1 515

  • Fiction et réalité

    Fiction et réalité

    We studied the axis fiction and reality. These are two opposite words. Fiction is imaginary and without limits, it is a type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and is not based on real people. On the contrary, reality is something real, that exists,

    356 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fictionnal Book Cover

    Fictionnal Book Cover

    The Last Black Cloak Even in the light there is darkness. Haven't you heard about a lonely man, walking in every cemetry of your country ? If you haven't, be really careful if you see a cloak, floating around a grave. He was the last black cloak, and if you

    293 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fifa 16

    Fifa 16

    je aime les me dis pas ta plus de batterie ou tu t'es endormie ou je te frappe

    665 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Film : « A la recherche du bonheur »

    Film : « A la recherche du bonheur »

    Leader : Antoine Mutez-Bisiaux Collaborateurs : Achille Jovet, Louis Barrault, Theo Bourbouz, Alexis Bourse SES DM n°1 Film : « A la recherche du bonheur » 1) Le héros du film se retrouve dans une situation financière désastreuse. La première puissance économique de la planète est un géant fragilisé. La

    349 Mots / 2 Pages


    Snatch Introduction : Genre : crim comedy film Director : Guy Ritchie Length : 104 minutes Date of release : 2000 Reward: * best britannic realisator * 6th ceremony of Empire Awards : * Best britannic realisator : Guy Ritchie * Best britannic actor : Vinnie Jones The casting :

    320 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fin du mandat d'Obama.

    Fin du mandat d'Obama.

    The unemployment When Barack Obama was elected, the USA was in recession and the unemployment rate was about 8 %, that's why during Barack Obama’s first 13 months of presidency, the economy lost 4.3 million jobs knowing that in the 12 months before he took office, 4.4 million jobs were

    485 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Final task anglais

    Final task anglais

    "Quelle est la fonction de la radiotéléphonie? Pour supprimer, comme pour l'oreille, une absence spatiale: en utilisant des émetteurs et des récepteurs, nous pouvons nous rencontrer dans une conversation avec Madeleine, dans cette pièce, et même si elle est à plus de vingt mille kilomètres de Québec. La télévision

    2 420 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Final task New York

    Final task New York

    1) Hello sir, I am in New york for three days. I am the father of two girls aged 10 and 12, and I have a young boy who is three. My wife and I are here with our family so we would like do family activities. * Of course

    737 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Final task, History of Mary Read

    Final task, History of Mary Read

    History of Mary Read : Mary Read's logbook : 3rd October 1720 : This day was a little bit special. I'm going to relate my day. We got married with James a week ago, and like every day since we married, I was walking on the harbour to welcome James

    378 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Finance: le Taux de croissance des revenus (document en anglais)

    Finance: le Taux de croissance des revenus (document en anglais)

    Finance Perspectives: Revenue Growth Rate Revenue Growth Rate Revenue Growth Rate is an indicator of how well a company is able to grow its sales revenue over a given time period. While the revenue is an actual number, the revenue growth rates simply compares the current sales figures (total revenue)

    1 273 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Fixing our throwaway fashion culture will take far more than a tax

    Fixing our throwaway fashion culture will take far more than a tax

    Fixing our throwaway fashion culture will take far more than a tax February 19, 2019 by Tim Cooper 1.Clothing in Britain is increasingly characterised by a high volume/ low value approach to business. Based on past trends, consumers will throw away around 680 million items of clothing this year. Replacements

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Fjs's'sbbd's's'wd


    Redressement judiciaire . La procedure de Rj devient possible lorque l'entreprise est en cessation de payement ce qui signifie dans l'impossiblité de faire face a son passif exigible avec son actif dispo Le RJ permet de poursuivre l'activite et l'emploi et purifier le passif de l'entreprise Le chef d'entreprise ou

    571 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Flier obésité

    Flier obésité

    What you can do ? You can visit our Website « www.jene- » or The « Fais du sport do a donation to sinon t’es gros »has help us, and help a gym but we hope to members to work in other open other gym in better conditions. france

    672 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Flight


    Flight Intro : The flight written by Sherman Alexei is a novel published in 2007. The plot tells the story of a troubled Native American teenager, Zits, who reached his breaking point after years of abuse by adults. What he will do, is that this character will open fire in

    2 255 Mots / 10 Pages
  • FLOWER BY KENZO L’ELIXIR - Le pouvoir d’une fleur

    FLOWER BY KENZO L’ELIXIR - Le pouvoir d’une fleur

    ANALYSE D’UNE PUB FLOWER BY KENZO L’ELIXIR - Le pouvoir d’une fleur Caracters On voit : - une femme charmante, charismatique et qui joue de son charme - 7 hommes vêtues de costumes Les personnages sont plutôt jeunes, ils ont la trentaine environ. Colors Le personnage principal est une

    389 Mots / 2 Pages
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