Guns in USA
Cours : Guns in USA. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar romaind • 19 Novembre 2018 • Cours • 1 004 Mots (5 Pages) • 648 Vues
vTo introduce my speech, I will give a definition of space and exchanges.
A space is geographic zone, which can be a town, a country a continent or a simple store.
A exchange is an interaction between 2 or more people. It can be a commercial or a cultural exchange, an information exchange or just a compliment.
Humanity has always to migrate and try to conquer territory around the world. For our generation, due to economic, politic and ecologic issues, immigration is a major issue. So today, I would like interest myself to this subject by studying how the immigrants’ treatment evolve in the US history? We will start by studying the immigrants landing in Elis island at the end of the 19th Century, after we will speak about the cartoon of John Heller and we will finish with the video about Donald Trump’s wall.
Between 1860 and 1916, United State faced a major wave of immigration. At that time, people left their country because they were poor and hungry. The immigrants came mostly from Europe and arrived in New York at “Elis Island”.
The island was used to conduct the multiple steps of the immigration inspection. The first step was an interrogation. Arrivals were asked 29 questions including name, occupation, and the amount of money they carried. It was important for the authority that the new comers could support themselves and they had a sufficient amount of money to get started. It was a very stressful moment because the inspectors talked very fast and often, immigrants didn’t speak a very good English and could not always answer questions.
After the questioning there was a medical visit, where doctors inspected migrants. They used to examine every part of the human body. If they founded a problem, they wrote a letter on the migrant’s body. For example, if you had a problem with your eyes, you got an E. If everything was clean, you could start your new life in the USA. If you were judged unfit to stay, the Us authorities sent you back to your home country with no mercy.
It was not because you have got your visa that you became a millionaire. Working condition were very tough, and most of the immigrants did some menial jobs with very low income.
Some of the migrants came illegally and for them it was even harder. Those migrants worked illegally, with no rights and protection. Their boss could fired them without notice and they had no word to say. They couldn’t go in front of a justice court because they were in an illegal situation. We saw an example with the excerpt of the movies “Bread and Roses”. At the beginning we see a demonstration in support of 3 hispanic cleaners who got fired from their jobs, and they didn’t get any severance pay. The demonstration aimed to denounce this type of behavior against migrants and to claim the right for insurance, working rights and respect for their origins but the most important is the legalization of their situation. That’s another major issue in American society. , On their placard we can read "si se puede" meaning "Yes we can". Those hispano Americans claim some improvement of theirs living conditions. Actually the senario between United States and the latinos is ambiguous, for exemple in the cartoon of Joe Heller, we can observe the hypocrisy of the State, in fact America has built thanks to immigration and now the state waants to repress the immigrants. Moreover, the lady liberty is considered as an illegal allien because of the color of her skin but she is a symbole of the country. So this recent wave of illegal immigration is source of debates in particular because of the culture choc.