Gun in the US
Synthèse : Gun in the US. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar ilias2705 • 24 Mars 2020 • Synthèse • 508 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 135 Vues
Today, im going to deal with places and forms of power.During this year, we studied several documents about places and forms of power like a drawing that talks about the second amendment, a document called “one nation, under guns” which is a poster showing the importance of firearms in the united states, the source of documents is a brady campaingn to prevent gun violence and the last document called “america's long history with guns” who talks about the history of weapons in the united states we do not have a source for this document The history of the country shows that the Americans always felt the need to be armed, but one can wonder why, and finally one will see that the company is deeply divided on this question, with the partisans of the “right to carry an arm » As it is written in the 2nd amendment of the American Constitution of a part mainly represented by the members of the NRA, and the opponents on the other hand, or rather the American people who would like a restriction of the law, so that 'It is not so easy to get a gun in their country.
First we will see The history of the United States and why Americans feel the need to own a gun and in a second step we will see a divided society
The first document i have chosen is “America's long history with guns, according to the document,guns were used first against native americans and their own king.There are associations in favor of weapons, the best known is: NRA (National Rifle Association) founded in 1781 and which has more than 4 million members. Claims the legality of the 11th amendment to the constitution.The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed is written in the second amandment which is part of the bill of right in the constitutions. The united states is ranked first in the world with more than 270 million firearms
But some claim freedom to carry arms
The first document i have chosen is “one nation,under guns” and the document which is an excerpt from a book titled "Arming America: The Origins of a National Weapon" written by Michael Bellisiles published in 2000. selon "une nation sous les armes" Out of 10 people, 9 have a rifle. 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year and 70,000 are injured: they are victims. In addition, 20 mass murders occur on average each year: a mass murder includes the murder of at least 4 people because of all this the shootings take place in establishments as the document says "a culture of weapons to fire ", two young children downgraded the inceded tire alarm on the students. They had three rifles and seven pistols ... A cause of all that There are also associations for the establishment of stricter laws concerning weapons in the United States
The best known of these is MMM (Million Man March), an association made up of American mothers who militate on Mother's Day.