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Harry Potter, a hero ?

Dissertation : Harry Potter, a hero ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Octobre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  388 Mots (2 Pages)  •  680 Vues

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Harry Potter

"Hero": A mythical or legendary character having accomplished extraordinary facts, a person who stands out for his courage against the danger or the main character of a work.

Harry Potter is a fantasy literary series written primarily by Joanne K. Rowling, whose fictional sequel ended in two thousand and seven. A play, Harry Potter and the Deadly Child, based on an original story of Author, was played in two sixteen miles in London.

The saga tells the adventures of a sorcerer named Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger at Hogwarts School of Hogwarts, led by Albus Dumbledore. The main plot of the series depicts Harry Potter's fight against an overwhelming immortal black mage, Lord Voldemort, who once murdered his parents. At the head of a group of loyal followers of black magic, the Death Eaters, Voldemort has been seeking for decades to acquire absolute power over the wizarding world.

By imagining the fictitious world in which the character of Harry Potter, Joanne evolves. K. Rowling creates a specific universe and society of men and women capable of magic, a faculty in general hereditary but which can also appear in children of Muggles. Wizards cast spells, mostly with magic wands, prepare potions and fly on brooms created for this purpose. The author anchors his universe in the British society of the nineteen hundred and ninety years. Sorcerers indeed live among the Muggles, but the "International Code of the Secret Magic" obliges them to make the two worlds coexist peacefully, hiding the existence of magic to the Muggles.

Wizards have their own governmental organizations (the Ministry of Magic for Great Britain), their laws, their currency, their decorations (the order of Merlin), their particular means of communication and transport (such as brooms, Chimney networks or transplanting), their specific establishments (the Sainte-Mangouste hospital or the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft in particular) and their cultural references (such as Quidditch, a wizarding sport played on flying brooms).

The practice of magic can take many forms. Sorcerers do not have the right to practice magic outside school before they are seventeen. On their seventeenth birthday, Trace, which detects the use of magic by a minor sorcerer, is lifted and they can then use magic on a daily basis.

The magical world also includes various magical creatures, and magical plants with various properties, used in making potions.


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