- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

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  • Guide pratique de la compréhension oral

    Guide pratique de la compréhension oral

    GUIDE PRATIQUE COMPRÉHENSION ORAL : Lors de l'épreuve de la compréhension oral il est important de préparer un brouillon qui servira à la rédaction du propre, néanmoins ce brouillon peut être très efficace si on suit cette méthode : 1. Lors de la première écoute ne noter que les mots

    251 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Guide pratique de présentation orale de notion en anglais

    Guide pratique de présentation orale de notion en anglais

    Fiche présentation de la notion Voici un exemple d’amorce de présentation de la notion où les éléments soulignés sont préférables à quasiment tout type de document, les éléments non soulignés correspondent aux informations à ajouter selon le choix des éléments du discours de l’élève : Sept étapes sont à envisager

    353 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Guide Research Guide Worksheet : CORRIGE

    Guide Research Guide Worksheet : CORRIGE

    Bridge Research Guide Worksheet Student’s names: Bridge: Golden Gate Bridge Use the questions below to guide your research on your bridge. 1. Where is the bridge located? The Bridge is located in San Francisco, in California, in the United States. 2. What obstacle does the bridge cross? The bridge had

    805 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Guide touristique en anglais

    Guide touristique en anglais

    If you’ve got three days to spend in Liverpool, this is the guide for you. The first two days give you a whirl-wind tour of the city centre, while day three gives you a few different options to explore further afield. DAY 1 ROYAL LIVER BUILDING : This iconic building

    578 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun control

    Gun control

    Inès Le Belguet November 2018 Histoire L3 American civilisation Gun Control The debate on gun control is a very heated issue in the USA. America has the highest gun ownership rate in the world, and also faces more mass shootings than any other country. There are few subjects in the

    812 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Gun control

    Gun control

    Gun Control The debate on gun control is a very heated issue in the USA. America has the highest gun ownership rate in the world, and also faces more mass shootings than any other country. There are few subjects in the USA that cause as much controversy as gun control.

    629 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun control in USA (NRA)

    Gun control in USA (NRA)

    The notion i am going to talk about is the gun situation in the united states of america. First of all i would like to give the definition of the second amendment and the NRA: 1) The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution originally proposed by James Madison

    1 137 Mots / 5 Pages
  • GUN CONTROL USA location and forms of power

    GUN CONTROL USA location and forms of power

    Location and Forms of Power I will introduce the concept of Location and Forms of Power. First of all, I would like to give you the definition of power. There are different types of powers: political power, economic power, military power, but here we will talk about the power of guns. Power: Power

    666 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun culture

    Gun culture

    GUN CULTURE Weapons in the USA: protection or insecurity The law on weapons in the USA was made in 1791: it's the second Amendment, a constitution right and part of the bill of rights. Why not not to delet or to modify this law? And well because It's very complicated

    256 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Gun in the US

    Gun in the US

    Today, im going to deal with places and forms of power.During this year, we studied several documents about places and forms of power like a drawing that talks about the second amendment, a document called “one nation, under guns” which is a poster showing the importance of firearms in the

    508 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun issues

    Gun issues

    Name : Class : TEST GUN ISSUES II- Answer the following questions (20 points) 1. « Gun Culture » : What is the Second Amendment ? What right does it provide the American people with ? What is the consequence on the USA compared to the rest of the world

    724 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun love anglais terminal S

    Gun love anglais terminal S

    DOUCOURE ZAINABA TS°1 Thursday 19th March 2020 Gun love 1. The cover inspired me a novel about violence fight between two persons or group of persons represented by the two alligators. Also, the title Gun love can inform us about a love story with the opposition “gun” which represents violence

    310 Mots / 2 Pages
  • GUN US

    GUN US

    The notion I'm going to deal with is "places and forms of power" . First let me definie the notion.the power is the ability to control or influence people. Nowadays in the usa the weapons are everywhere. No other developed country in the world has anywhere near the same rate

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun violence

    Gun violence

    GUN VIOLENCE We, members of the House of representative and senators, are reunited here today to adress the issue of gun violence. More American citizens are killed of gun violence, than in terrorist attacks. How many victims of fire arms shall there be before we take action by prohibiting guns

    523 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Gun violence in the USA

    Gun violence in the USA

    Last week, fourteen persons were shot in California. Unfortunately, slaughters are not uncommon in the United States of America. Indeed, the United States of America is the fifth country in the world with regard to the number of homicides with guns. We may wonder whether the right of the second Amendment

    787 Mots / 4 Pages
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