Gun violence
Discours : Gun violence. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar vat5656 • 16 Mai 2018 • Discours • 523 Mots (3 Pages) • 705 Vues
We, members of the House of representative and senators, are reunited here today to
adress the issue of gun violence.
More American citizens are killed of gun violence, than in terrorist attacks.
How many victims of fire arms shall there be before we take action by prohibiting guns on American Soil ?
Since 1968, there has been 1 Million gun-related deaths in our country, which means 1 hundred thousand people are shot every year, and 268 every day.
A young person under the age of 25 is now more likely to die in a shooting than in a traffic accident, according to projections by the Center for American Progress, which states that, if road safety improves, nothing changes on the front of gun violence.
Do you realize how many bereaved families it means ? 2 hundred thousand children are killed by gunfire in the United States of America since 2010.
Do you know Nicole Hockley ? She was the mother of Dylan Hockley, a six-year-old little boy who lost his life in the Sandy Hook shooting. Since this tragic event, she has devoted herself to fighting gun violence, she has co-founded the « Sandy Hook Promised » association, which focuses on prevention by identifying signs of an erratic or even violent behaviour.
Have you forgotten all the mass shootings that resulted in a bloodbath on our « land of freedom » ?
Columbine in 1999, Virginia Tech in 2007, Orlando in 2016, Las Vegas in 2017, and more.
I think it is time for us to react and to think of revamp the Constitution and particularly the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights, in accordance with today context.In fact, the notion of militia is now obsolete because we are no longer in the context of war.
We can say, nowadays, that it is easier to get a gun than to have an abortion. So what if all the young men who wanted to buy a weapon were treated like women who want to have an abortion ?
Let’s make the comparison : What if, a young man should wait 48 hours before having the weapon in his hand ? What if he should obtain a parental authorization and a letter from his doctor, ensuring that he understands what he does ? What if he should watch a preventive video about violence and guns ? What if there was only one gun shop in each state, to force him travel hundred miles to get there ? What if, when the young man arrives in the gun store, a crowd of people waving pictures of their loved one killed by gun, called them murderers ?
Citizens of our beloved country should be armed with education, courage, toughness rather than being armed with man-made objects, designed for the sole purpose of taking lives.
Our nation will be better off without violence and barbarism. I acknowledge the fact that prohibiting guns will not wipe out violence but it is more certainly will reduce it drastically.
As Nelson Mandela said « education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ».