Black Panther
Cours : Black Panther. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Lllo14 • 20 Mai 2019 • Cours • 806 Mots (4 Pages) • 622 Vues
The BP, described their commitment in 10 points, and their political and community actions are, for them, the consequences of their commitment. In this logic the patrols of surveillance of the police answers the 7eme "We want the immediate stop of the police brutality and black's murders". However, at the beginning provided with microphone and with scanners to locate and listen to the police, the patrols are agressed and their materials destroys. Then one has one they arm themselves with weapons has fire and the second amendments, to intimidate and to defend itself. In reply, deputy Dorm Mulford presents an aiming bill has to regulate the carrying of weapons in the states of California. The BPP meets then immediately in front of the capitol. This is the way they finished by entered armed in the gallery of the visitors, continuation has this incident Body Seal is imprisoned but the echo brings the mass of members.
Indeed member streamed and the bias consciousness of their capacities, them was not only the avant-garde, as them appellait, but a support for all the black community has fault the country. From then on the opening of the programs social and sanitary as "Breakfast Free For Children" who aims at allowing in raise to remain concentrated in their supplying a breakfast every morning of school, is more than in possible. Actually party proposed clothes, courts of politics and economy, court of self-defence and first help as well as an aid program has the rehabilitation of the alcoholics and the drug addicts. This closeness with the community was widely visible during the campaign of Newton's liberation.
On October 29th, 1967, Huey is checked and one shootings bursts, a policeman was killed, another wounded. Huey is led to the hospital with 4 balls in the belly, he is arrested there and accused of manslaughter. A campaign title "Free Huey" is organized by the BP, she quickly obtains a reach national and allows to move closer to the sphere of influence radical American. Condemned person has several years of reclusion he will be finally released 3 years later after revaluation of his file and under the ovations of the crowd.
To finish, the BPP in made a success very well has to conjugate political actions and social actions, they made human and social their commitment pulling with them all their politics.
In spite of their social actions, Black Panthers had for crédo " you shoots on me,I shoot on you " while the police preferred " I shoot you and you shut up ". On this fact when Edgar Hoover, director of FBI, declares that the BP is " the most serious threat for the internal security of the country " he grants to the policeman the right of the repression. The COINTELPRO is a program of counter-intelligence which is going to annihilate the BBP.
Accordingly, of their ideology they let everybody join them, but the police recruits informants and infiltrates every stage of the party . These informants allowed several raids to the BP, unfortunately the shootings had almost become systematic, and the black community lost confidence in the “avant-garde”. Indeed, the trust is transformed into distrust and allowed a wide campaign of disinformation, although the BP newspaper dykes this phenomenon the trial of the 21 is going to put the Panthers has hard test.
In April, 1969, FBI makes a raid in one of HQ