Global warming
Guide pratique : Global warming. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar clarrrrrra • 5 Octobre 2022 • Guide pratique • 452 Mots (2 Pages) • 320 Vues
oday we are going to talk to you about global warming.
Today there is a risk for humanity and the greenhouse gas is increasing and the ecosystems are in danger.
But it's a very vast subject so we're going to talk to you about deforestation which destroys many trees each year.
First we will talk about the causes, then the consequences and finally the different solutions.
Causes :
deforestation has many causes if I had to name them all it would take me too long so I will name the major causes:
-there is urban exploitation
-but also the implementation of agricultural activities
-or the illegal exploitation of forests
conséquences :
there are a lot of consequences, so I give you a few of them:
-deforestation has an impact on global warming
-also there is less CO2 in the air and the CO2 helps to remove the greenhouse gas
- in addition, many animal areas are losing their habitats
Solutions :
Faced with deforestation, which destroys 10 million hectares of forest each year, each of us has the power to act on a daily basis to fight against deforestation and contribute to the preservation of forests.
I will quote you a few:
-buy local wooden objects
- buy spread without palm oil
- make daily trips by bike to go to the pump less
-to plant trees
- and even make a donation to associations against deforestation
to conclude deforestation puts all humanity in danger. We hope that thanks to our presentation we will make you aware of this threat. let's not forget that many solutions exist
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