Gothic description
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Gothic description. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Emma1319 • 16 Novembre 2017 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 283 Mots (2 Pages) • 724 Vues
At the first sight, we can see that the sunrise illuminates this beautiful dark landscape of the painting. Tis sunrise gives a particular atmosphere. Indeed, the settings of gothic paintings and novels are always mysterious and terrifying. The landscape seems to be desolated.
At the background, we perceive a castle and the kingdom. The kingdom is situate close to a river. At the right background, there are mountains with, certainly, eternal snow.
Then, we can see a ruined gothic church buried by plants. Furthermore, the Nature is very present. From the left side to the right side there are trees, grass and shrubs. This vegetation gives this “desolated” atmosphere. We can think that man has not walked on these lands for many years.
In fact this church have special architecture: Gothic architecture. The ruined church have signs of the Gothic architecture such as the stained glasses arranged in flattened roses or corollas, and the pillars composed of a large main shaft and many small columns.
Gothic is above all an "aesthetic emotion", a dreamlike exploration of a dark and mysterious past, evoked in particular by the vestiges of a macabre and sublime architecture. It is a "melancholy of ruins", indifferent to the laws of logic, opposing the realism of everyday life. Death is manifested by the desolation of passing time, the nothingness of all existence, but also by the imaginary or supernatural return of the torments of the past.
The point of departure was therefore the resurgence of an aesthetic value attributed to the vestiges of medieval architecture, in what they evoke as grave, dark, disturbing and mysterious: fortresses in ruins, abandoned castles, old prisons Old monasteries, dark cathedrals, secret hatches, threatening towers, labyrinthine corridors, produce "nocturnal" impressions.