- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

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  • Dissertation gap year anglais

    Dissertation gap year anglais

    SEQUENCE 1 : SPACES AND EXCHANGES Good morning, today I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges through the theme of Gap Year, a theme of cultural interaction between men and different populations Each year ( ?), over 2.5 millions of young people in the United Kingdom

    792 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Dissertation interstellar

    Dissertation interstellar

    A letter to a star voyager from the past to an earthling from the future. It’s been long enough since we last talked, least of all saw one another or touch. We keep on travelling in unknown dimensions and often images on our screens fail to express how we feel

    1 030 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Dissertation sur "aller travailler à l'étranger"

    Dissertation sur "aller travailler à l'étranger"

    English: In 2019, 200 000 students went to Canada to study abroad. But is it really worth it to leave your country and leave your home for your studies. Each year this theme is a real debate in every family. So in this argumentation, I’m going to give pros and

    398 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dissertation sur la generation perdue "The Stolen Generation " en anglais

    Dissertation sur la generation perdue "The Stolen Generation " en anglais

    The stolen generation By Marry Brooks , the 23 january 2016 in Melbourne The 13 February 2008 , Kevin Rudd , the prime minister of Australia delivered a speech to present the escuses of the government at the " Stolen Generation" of Aboriginal people of Australia. From the years 80s

    348 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dissertation sur la mode en anglais

    Dissertation sur la mode en anglais

    Fashion Fashion is a way of life, a way of behaving at a specific time and place. It is a model of short-lived behavior that is considered "good" at a certain time. fashion is an ambition without tomorrow. In other words, the man who wants to be "connected" no longer

    415 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dissertation sur le harcèlement

    Dissertation sur le harcèlement

    Avez vous remarquez que l’harcèlement occupe de plus en plus l’avant de la scène ? Que ce soit l’harcèlement scolaire, l’harcèlement moral , l’harcèlement au travail ou encore le cyber harcèlement ? En effet En France, environ 700 000 élèves sont victimes de harcèlement scolaire, dont la moitié de manière

    907 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Dissertation sur le progrès en anglais

    Dissertation sur le progrès en anglais

    Today I'm going to be discussing about the idea of Progress. For me progress consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life.What we need to ask ourselves is If Progress is always progress ? In the first part

    523 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dissertation Type Bac Corrigé En Anglais: mythes et héros

    Dissertation Type Bac Corrigé En Anglais: mythes et héros

    Myth and heroes Introduction : myths is originally aimed at explaining the origins of humanity and narrating the foundation of a given community .These narratives thus deliver a universal message about the human condition and also give element as to the collective identity of a social group .The way each

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Distribution and promotion

    Distribution and promotion

    EXOS DISTRIBUTION AND PROMOTION Exercise 1 : fill in the missing letters 1. Making sure that the customer gets the right goods at the right time is called ‘order fulfilment’ 2. A place where goods are sold to consumers is called a ‘retail outlet’ 3. A potential customer is a

    704 Mots / 3 Pages
  • District temple bar

    District temple bar

    District temple bar Temple Bar is an area of ​​Dublin's historic center. This district owes its name to William Temple, rector of Trinity College. Temple Bar is a colorful district of Dublin city that, almost accidentally could be said, over the years developed a bohemian character while maintaining in its

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Diversité contractuelle

    Diversité contractuelle

    La diversité des relations contractuelles Page 7 1°Connaître les caractéristique des différents contrat de travail 1. L’employeur préfère les contrat atypique car l’employeur bénéficie d’une certaine flexibilité, mais aussi d’aides à l’emploi qui peuvent prendre la forme de subventions et/ou d’exonération de charges sociales. 2. Pour un sommelier je le

    432 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Django and the gothic

    Django and the gothic

    Anne-Sophie Saindon February 3rd, 2017 Film/text Analysis: Django and the gothic Teresa Goddu provides us tools and well-developed explanations fundamental for understanding the American gothic literature. Before reading her point of view, I associated “gothic” with “dark”. But, at some point in her text, Goddu dissociate dark and gothic. According

    584 Mots / 3 Pages
  • DM : Analyser la stratégie de communication de la Société Générale

    DM : Analyser la stratégie de communication de la Société Générale

    DM : Analyser la stratégie de communication de la Société Générale 1) Société générale choisit Havas 04, une entité indépendante du groupe Havas qui lui sera entièrement dédiée, pour l'accompagner dans sa communication. Les différentes modalités de communication mobilisées par la Société Générale sont le site internet , les réseaux

    356 Mots / 2 Pages


    COMPREHENSION 1. The narrator is an outside narrator. The only present characters are Hannah and her brother Joseph, and none of them is the narrator :« he said » (l.5) « she said » (l.3). 2. There are twelve characters mentioned in the text : Mr. Arnold, Plugger, Mrs. Gee and her sons Charlie and Barshey,

    898 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Dm anglais sur Woebot

    Dm anglais sur Woebot

    Erin Brodwin a publiée un article le 30 janvier 2018, dont le titre est «J’ai passé 2 semaines à envoyer des textos à un robot au sujet de mon anxiété et j’ai trouvé cela étonnamment utile» sur le site Ce document présente Woebot,, une intelligence artificielle nouvelle capable de

    358 Mots / 2 Pages
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