Our generation
Cours : Our generation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar louise1234leon • 4 Avril 2020 • Cours • 490 Mots (2 Pages) • 488 Vues
After the two school shootout in 2012 and 2018 the president at this moment gave a speech about this two tragedy. The two extract of Obama and Trump are on some point similar. The two president empaphise for famililies’s victim. They said that the victim will never be forget and that we will remembered all the child who have been killed. They are also different Obama talks about concern : « we ara left with some hard questions » and Trump about protection : « will do anything at all to protect you ». It can be contradictory because he is talking about protection but he don’t talk about questioning the second amendment. When Obama said after Sandy Hook « But we, as a nation, we are left with some questions ». I think he refers to the second amendment of the US wich allowed to carry gun when it is concealed. It’s about selfdefense which is giving the power to american to defend themselve. But this amendment has remained unchanged and in some state like Arizona pro gun legislation has even been reinforced. When Obama said « But we, as a nation, we are left with some hard questions ». I think he is thinking about : « Do we have to retire the second amendment or change dit ? » Nevertheless, this question is no a possibility for Trump he will absolutely not changed this amedment. Even if Obama talks maybe about changing this amedment it remains rather evasive on this subject.
To define my generation in three words, I would say that we are the generation of technology, communication and we are fighting to slow down the climate change.
So I’m gonna whrite about our generation, the generation Z. I will start with some points which I consider to be positive one. Firstly, I think the mastery of computer, phone and technology in general is a real asset for our generation. I mean that lot of job requiere people who know how to use technology and even more this days and for the future. In fact as jobs increasingly require proficiency or expertise in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math). Our generation is more adapt to face up the new developments and future innovations. Moreover we use a lot social media which are beneficial to speak with other everywhere in the world. But our generation has negative aspect to. Social media can be positive like I said before but also negative because in some way if we are always on our phone we are cut off from reality. Behind a screen young people can be more aggressive and feel sometimes more powerfull than they really are. This behaviour can drive to online bullying for example. Finally, I think that our generation need also to look at the world which are surrounding us and get aware about the real catastrophe wich happened in the world every day.