- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 066 - 1 080

  • Doc anglais: Alcohol

    Doc anglais: Alcohol

    Alcohol WHY Why people drink alcohol? There are different reasons why people choose to drink. It might be because they want to try it they’re curious, they could like the taste, it can help them to socialize more easily by relieving stress. They are also some reasons why they choose

    372 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Document Anglais/LELE

    Document Anglais/LELE

    Camille Noel I chose a short animated film called "Francis", directed by Richard Hickey, and written by Dave Eggers in 2014. This short film is an interesting case of adaptation from the written media to the visual one. Adapted from a short story by novelist and screenwriter Dave Eggars, the

    782 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Document de collecte

    Document de collecte

    COLLECTION DOCUMENT Notion: MYTHS AND HEROES – Topic: The SPIRIT OF SCOTLAND “To what extent do Scottish heroes/Myths embody defiance?” * “ How do Scottish heroes participate in the national spirit of defiance?” * “To what extent has the Scottish spirit of defiance evolved over the centuries?” * “To what

    3 328 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Document de l’IPSOS, dans une enquête sociologique de l’électorat.Jean luc Mélenchon

    Document de l’IPSOS, dans une enquête sociologique de l’électorat.Jean luc Mélenchon

    SES doc 7: J-L Mélenchon: Selon le document de l’IPSOS, dans une enquête sociologique de l’électorat. Au 1er tour des élections présidentielles de 2017, il arrive en 4eme position avec un pourcentage de voix en sa faveur de 19,2%. On voit qu’il y a 21 des hommes ayant voté qui

    458 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Documents studied in class : « Design your baby », « Brave New World »

    Documents studied in class : « Design your baby », « Brave New World »

    Charlotte Marie TL Dossier LVA The Idea of Progress: Genetic engineering Documents studied in class : « Design your baby », « Brave New World » To complete your file: My Sister's Keeper Genetic engineering allows to modify the genetic constitution of an organism by suppressing or introducing DNA, this

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Does money bring happiness

    Does money bring happiness

    It seems only natural that happiness should come from having more money. Even if they don’t admit it, people continue to live as if it were. More money means you can have what you want and do what you want. I wonder if money can bring you happiness ?. I

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Does new technology have a positive or a negative effect on today’s society?

    Does new technology have a positive or a negative effect on today’s society?

    We usually understand by the notion “Progress”, the new innovations that allow an improvement and that are beneficial to society. Such progress is made for example in science, where scientists keep searching for new technologies to help humans. They can be useful in space study, factory, and health science but

    662 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Doggerland, the territory engulfed 8,000 years ago under the North Sea

    Doggerland, the territory engulfed 8,000 years ago under the North Sea

    Doggerland, the territory engulfed 8,000 years ago under the North Sea The document I chose is an article from the newspaper “L’Obs”. This article was written on 2nd August by Jean-Paul Fritz. And it’s about Doggerland, a part of Great Britain who was engulfed under the sea 8,000 years ago.

    438 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dom Juan, Molière. Le personnage de Dom Juan

    Dom Juan, Molière. Le personnage de Dom Juan

    Lecture analytiques 3 : Intro : Dom juan est un roman écrit par Molière, Molière est née en janvier 1622 et mort en février 1673, c'est un comédien et dramaturge. Dom juan est un seigneur libertin qui vient d'abandonner sont épouse Elvire, qu'il avait enlevé d'un couvent. Il fait de

    546 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Domesday book

    Domesday book

    1) The Ely inquiry was a census-style survey conducted by the bishop of Ely in the 11th century. 2) The Ely inquiry was ordered by the Bishop of Ely who was a reform-minded bishop. 3) He ordered it because he believed that a comprehensive survey of the resources within his

    596 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Domestic violence

    Domestic violence

    (to) stab : poignarder corrupt (adj) : corrompu The charity « Women for Justice » gives women of domestic violence in Bolivia a place to turn for support and a listening ear. * Rosa, 26, escaped from her abusive husband 2 months ago. « He wants to kick me here

    367 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Don Pasquale, le premier opéra adapté en LSF

    Don Pasquale, le premier opéra adapté en LSF

    Don Pasquale, le premier opéra adapté en LSF Qui a dit que les sourds n'appréciaient pas la musique ? J’ai choisi de présenter ici une première française : un opéra intégrant des chansigneurs qui a été joué à Montpellier. Ces interprètes traduisent les paroles, mais aussi la musique et les

    823 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Don't feed the monster

    Don't feed the monster

    The document "don't feed the monster" was published in The Guardian newspaper on February 19th, 2019 by Paula Cocozza. The main topic of this piece is fast fashion and second-hand clothes. Two women, Lauren Cowdery and Maria Chenoweth have stopped buying new clothes and they explain why we should stop

    336 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Don't send me back

    Don't send me back

    DEGROOTE Friday 18th December Sunita P02 Don’t send me back ! Re-read the text and answer the following questions : 1) Imagine Jacob’ life in Russia ans the various reasons why he decided to emigrate to the USA ? Jacob had to flee Russia because of religious persecutions. He is

    702 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Donald Trump : DEBATE

    Donald Trump : DEBATE

    Introduction Dans le cadre de notre troisième semestre, nous avons été amenés à choisir un sujet pour en faire notre projet tuteuré. Notre choix s’est porté sur l’association ADVEVA, acronyme d’Association pour le développement de véhicules économes à Ville d’ Avray. Nous allons donc vous présenter l’intérêt de notre projet,

    1 216 Mots / 5 Pages
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