Does new technology have a positive or a negative effect on today’s society?
Dissertation : Does new technology have a positive or a negative effect on today’s society?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar serena17 • 27 Avril 2018 • Dissertation • 662 Mots (3 Pages) • 777 Vues
We usually understand by the notion “Progress”, the new innovations that allow an improvement and that are beneficial to society. Such progress is made for example in science, where scientists keep searching for new technologies to help humans. They can be useful in space study, factory, and health science but also in the daily life with the new smartphones even more powerful. But the role of new technology and machines is getting more and more importance, to the extent that we seem to be dependant of them nowadays. Furthermore, some of them are dangerous for us and we keep using them because they are too helpful and in the case of smartphones, we don’t seem to be able to forego such a technology. Thus there is a noticeable paradox concerning scientific progress. Does new technology have a positive or a negative effect on today’s society? It is question of presenting the advantages and drawbacks of such progress. First and foremost, we will focus on the considerable help they provide us, and then discuss to what extent they can be dangerous for mankind.
It is striking how scientific progress is present in our daily life. Computers, smart phones, robots are examples of this progress and are totally integrated in our way to live. Researchers don’t stop inventing more and more incredible devices.
We can notice that Artificial Intellignece is a real scientific progress and researchers will not stop discovering new advances. But are all these breakthroughs without danger for mankind?
Scientific progress generates more and more debates and it is difficult to know whether or not they are dangerous for mankind. To what extent could new technology be detrimental to us? Should we be suspicious of these new advances?
Cell-phones can create a dependance called "nomophobia". Nomophobia is a disease. It is a fear of being deprived of your mobile phone. We certainly all already felt one of the symptoms of this disease: check were your phone , your phone must be within hand's reach , you hear phathom messages and notifications... So, people are under the pressure as Tom Chatfield points out in his quote "your phone is seducing you, and you're paying the price". In order to make is point he refers to a scientific experiment on will power: an experiment with cookies. Some were asked to resist temptation. Other were allowed to yield to tempatation. After this , the same people were asked to do a dficult task. Those who had resisted to temptation gave up twice as quickly as the other group. So, our will power is not unlimited. However, be careful , tehnology is not toxic but the overuse of tech is dangerous. Your brain switches quickly from on task to the other. As a result, you get instant gratificaton. And this may also be dangerous: first, if you don't receive thes instant gratifications. You may feel depressed. Besides, you lose the hobit of making long effort. Some studies assert that the younger generation has a weaker IQ than yours.
New technology has both positive and negative effects on today’s society: it is very useful in several fields such as health, space study, and represents a considerable help for humans. However, it is worth noticing that such progress may be dangerous for mankind: for example nomophobia, total addiction to new technology, which can lead to depression.The problem is we seem to be dependant of new technology so it is difficult to separate from it and being completely safe. Furthermore, if we don’t evaluate the limits of new technology, it could one day take the control on us so we have to be vigilant and to use it as a simple help.