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Does the media have positive or negative effects in our daily lives?

Chronologie : Does the media have positive or negative effects in our daily lives?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Octobre 2018  •  Chronologie  •  679 Mots (3 Pages)  •  674 Vues

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Henden Cléophard                                                        Friday, December, 1st, 2017


Final Project - Task #5 (10%)

Title: Does the media have positive or negative effects in our daily lives?

Over the last few years, the media have played an important role in our everyday lives. Why were they important for us? It was because these latter could tell us what was exactly going on in the world, before, so that we would not be left behind and we could always keep ourselves updated via the media. Even today, the media is increasingly more frequent and more regular, while becoming more essential and more indispensable for the entirety of humanity. The unprecedented magnitude of this phenomenon with its unbridled growth brings up a multitude of situations, in relation to the following subject: ‘‘The state of the media, in North America, is really negative’’.

First of all, it is primordial to address the fact that the state of the media is deplorable, because they use clickbait, when it comes time to compose the title of their articles. The use of this writing technique allows the website to attract a maximum number of individuals to their site, due to the fact that the titles are incomplete, and thus maximize their profits. In fact, according to a website*, ‘‘the real problem with most clickbait is that those clever headlines and questioning tweets often lead to disappointing content.’’ These comments demonstrate how clickbait do not generate positive effects when we are surfing on the Internet, because they often do not meet our expectations. In short, the state of the media, in North America, is absolutely bad, because the media use clickbait to manipulate people’s judgment when they have the choice to read an article or to ignore it, in order to make huge profits.

Second of all, it is important to approach the fact that the state of the media is lamentable, because they use the emotional appeal when it comes time to inform individuals. The use of this technique appealing to feelings will raise the awareness of listeners and, consequently, increase the ratings of a television channel. Indeed, according to another website*, ‘‘People have been seen to commit suicide, because of the emotional appeal that was used. Also, there has been a restrained desire in the heart of people who are not sufficient enough to purchase a produce that generates a desire in them. This leads to disappointment!’’. These remarks show how the emotional appeal negatively affects the emotions that people experience, after viewing a new containing this persuasion technique. In sum, the state of the media, in North America, is extremely pitiful, because the media use the emotional appeal to generate emotion and / or reaction, in order to make people react to any news and increase their audience.

Third of all, it will be about the fact that the state of the media is profoundly miserable, because they use, in an excessive way, advertisements to encourage people to buy certain products. The use of misleading advertisements allows them to show the positive attractions of the products and conceal their faults, in order to please customers and for them to spend their money on these last, talking about products. Effectively, according to a website*, ‘‘The purpose of the advertisements is to make an idealized representation of any product from a fictional reality, in order to significantly increase people's access to goods that they do not really need.’’ This finding exposes the negative aspect of media advertising because it forces us to buy things that are not so useful to us. Finally, the state of the media, in North America, is really bad, because the media use the power of the omnipresence of advertising to manipulate people, regarding their willingness to buy.


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