- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 126 - 1 140

  • Économie, terminale

    Économie, terminale

    HOUNGNIBO Joab Leeben Bolo UE 115 ECONOMIE Devoir 2 EXERCICE 1: Questions de cours 1. La répartition des revenus se fait en deux niveaux à savoir : les revenus primaires et les revenus secondaires, c’est à dire ? mais en comptabilité nationale le revenus est reparti entre la consommation et

    821 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Economoe


    Selon Adam smith « l’individu ne pense qu’a son propre gain » il est conduit pas une main invisible , la main invisible en autre n’est autre que le marché de concurrence pure et parfaite et ses mécanismes qui selon smith assurent eux seuls une regulation économique efficace ne nécessitant aucune intervention

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Economy in England

    Economy in England

    Press review To start with we see the three newspapers talk about many aspects of economy in England. In first the newspaper ibtimes talk about the feeling of consumer about the Brexit because the statistic said during the last 12 month dropped one point to -26 in December and

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Ecotoxicologie


    101-NYA-05 Évolution et diversité du vivant Automne 2020 APP1 - Écologie Atelier 2 : Le Printemps silencieux[1] Lors du dernier APP, nous avons étudié l’une des grandes menaces à la biodiversité soit les espèces exotiques envahissantes (EEE). Cette fois, penchons-nous sur la question de l’écotoxicologie. Très (trop) souvent utilisons-nous des

    1 658 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Écrire un dialogue sur le volontariat à l'étranger (anglais)

    Écrire un dialogue sur le volontariat à l'étranger (anglais)

    WILDLIFE CONSERVATION CENTER At the wildlife conservation center we experienced amazing encounters with Africa’s famous animals. It was very interesting… Before takig this year off, we were very apprehensive because we didn’t want to be seperated from our families for 6 months. However, after a long time thinking about it,

    654 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Ecrire un essai d'anglais

    Ecrire un essai d'anglais

    1ère OIB – Writing an essay How far do the female characters in two of the novels you have studied challenge socially accepted roles of women in society? BRAINSTORM * Underline the key words in the essay – make sure you understand what they mean * The questions push you

    1 697 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Écrit personnel : quelle est l'essence même du voyage ?

    Écrit personnel : quelle est l'essence même du voyage ?

    In this file we will deal with the essence of Voyage and Return stories. Robinson Crusoe is said to have inspired the typical Voyage and Return stories. Robinson Crusoe is a story about a man marooned on an island “Robinson Crusoe” is used to speak about a type of book

    276 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Écrit personnel de la vie

    Écrit personnel de la vie

    er week, I realize that this is the best work you can self remember to pee in one of the part-time employees have the same things to deal with, I'll try to full-time employees, we do not have to work a minimum number of hours to qualify for the rights

    249 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Ecriture universitaire

    Ecriture universitaire

    Ecriture Universitaire Los animales siempre han tenido un cierto lugar en la vida humana, pero en los últimos siglos algunos de estos animales han tomado una importancia completamente diferente y a veces se han convertido en verdaderos compañeros en nuestras vidas. Debido a su larga presencia junto al hombre, han

    1 572 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Educating Rita's essay

    Educating Rita's essay

    Educating Rita 's essay I went to the theater to see « Macbeth », a play by Shakespeare. If I went to one of those big professional theaters where the working class people do not gor it was to improve my general culture and satisfy my curiosity. It was after

    451 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner

    DNL oral n°2 Edward JENNER Hi, today I chose to talk to you about Edward Jenner because I love medical research, so knowing how a vaccine is implemented is exciting for me. So Edward Jenner is an English scientist and physician who studied natural sciences in his home environment in

    548 Mots / 3 Pages
  • EE anglais

    EE anglais

    Théo Term A Adamski Written expression Theo is on his phone in the living room, it is morning, his parents are talking to him. Mom and Dad came into the living room, both at the same time. It was never a good sign when they did that. I put my

    262 Mots / 2 Pages
  • EE in english

    EE in english

    EE in English: Imagine you are Salomon Northup. You write an article (once you’re back in the North) for an abolitionist newspaper giving your testimony in 300 words to warn about the situation in de South. You must use past tenses / passive voice. Hello, I am Salomon Northup, I

    512 Mots / 3 Pages
  • El Salvador

    El Salvador

    SEQUENCE N° 1 INTITULE : Quand l’Homme se fait monstre …. PROBLEMATIQUE CHOISIE : Qu’est ce qu’un monstre ? OBJET(S) D'ETUDE ET PERSPECTIVE(S) : LA QUESTION DE L’HOMME DANS LES GENRES DE L’ARGUMENTATION DU XVIème siècle à nos jours LECTURES COMPLEMENTAIRES ET DOCUMENTS : Extrait des Monstres et prodiges d’Ambroise

    686 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Election présidentiel, thème anglais

    Election présidentiel, thème anglais

    FINAL ASSESSMENT: REPORT ABOUT THE 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS I’m going to present the Presidential Elections 2016. I’ll start with general facts and the 2 main Political Parties. Then I’ll explain the electoral process, the results and the reactions after. I’ll finish with my opinion. In class, we studied the

    415 Mots / 2 Pages
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