BAC Anglais LV1
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Dialogue en anglais
Hi Tessa! -Hi Fiona, how are you? -Hmm…not very well, I shall explain to you. But tell me how are the children? -Well, you know, they are very quiet and a little bit nostalgic because they very want to see you again and Bernard also is often absent … -I
313 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue en Anglais
Mum ,Dad , please , don't confiscate my mobile , I can't survive without it !” I say furiously. “It's not the first time we have this discussion, I have already cut your phone subscription for a week.” My father retorted fermerly. “Oh no , what a disaster! I cannot
373 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue en anglais
1ère situation : offrir quelque chose à qelqu’un Maïssane : Oh, it's the birthday of our Mom, we must give ourselves a gift. I propose that we offer him a pearl necklace. Aurélia : You can’t be serious. This gift is way too expensive. Why not offer her a huge
646 Mots / 3 Pages -
Dialogue en anglais (document en anglais)
Moi 1 : yes, sure ! What do you what to know ? Well it's your lucky day because I'm a banker ! Moi 2 : So, as i told you I'm a banker, my job consited in helping really rich people who don't know how to savings. Because a
224 Mots / 1 Pages -
Dialogue en anglais sur la restauration
AN : Good evening Madam and Sir, welcome to the bouillon chartier ! Do you have a reservation? E : No AN : Ok, there is only one table left, may I take your coat? E et C : No AN: Here is Arthur, he will show you your table
265 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue en anglais.
JO : This appointment is useless. There is no need to discuss it. This choice belongs to me ! CHLOE : Are you really sure of what you want to do in the future ? We have been through this and… it’s bad choice ! ELISA : Leave her alone
1 035 Mots / 5 Pages -
Dialogue en anglais.
Co-animation : dialogue POTELUNE Océane : wine waiter BIQUET Jeanne : guest PAULIN Maïa : guest 770 W : Goodmorning and welcome at teh restaurant. G : Goodmornig ! W : What do you want to take as an aperitif ? G men : What do you want darling ?
275 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue entre 2 footballeurs
Expression Dialogue between Lionel Messi and Nasser Al-Khelaifi: -Messi: Hello -Nasser: Hello Messi how are you? -Messi: Good, and you? -Nasser: Thank you. So glad to have joined our PSG club? is your transfer going well? -Messi: Yes, I am very pleased to be part of this club, thank you.
437 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue entre footballeur et son entraineur
Expression Dialogue between Lionel Messi and Nasser Al-Khelaifi: -Messi: Hello -Nasser: Hello Messi how are you? -Messi: Good, and you? -Nasser: Thank you. So glad to have joined our PSG club? is your transfer going well? -Messi: Yes, I am very pleased to be part of this club, thank you.
437 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue sur la foi chrétienne en anglais
Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ? Student : Yes, sir. Professor: So, you believe in GOD ? Student : Absolutely, sir. Professor : Is GOD good ? Student : Sure. Professor: Is GOD all powerful ? Student : Yes. Professor: My brother died of cancer even
871 Mots / 4 Pages -
Dialogue sur Nespresso en anglais
Henoc : Today I going to talk manual espresso machine ecp 3420. Indeed, we will first talk about the features. Then, we will talk about the operation of the coffee machine, how much watt hour uses a coffee and to finish we will compare this machine to another and we
382 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dialogue, Interview fictive Jose Antonio Vagras
A : Good morning everyone ! Welcome to the Debate Radio, it's Ayline and and it's 10 o'clock : the moment of our daily interview. Please, applaud loudly our Guest : Jose Antonio Vergas !! JAV : Hi ! A : Hi Jose, nice to meet you ! JAV :
996 Mots / 4 Pages -
Diapo Management KFC
KARATAS Mélissa BENDIB Firouze HAMI Darine BERTHETB Jade INTRODUCTION Cette association qui s’appelle BATTERED WOMEN’S JUSTICE PROJECT est une association qui existe depuis 1994, et qui a pour projet de rendre justice aux femmes battues. Elle propose de l’assistance technique et des consultations sur le système de justice pénale et
2 312 Mots / 10 Pages -
Diaporama, anglais
Anglais DIAPO 1 We will present to you our new publicitary campaign concerning the new porsche 911 (Nine hundred and eleven). We have decided to take back the foundations of the old Porsche 911 (nine hundred and eleven) dating from 1950 ( nineteen fifty). We have made modifications, innovations and
511 Mots / 3 Pages -
Diary of a lonely boy
Diary of a lonely boy 5th April 2013, London I woke up like a normal kid and did everything a normal kid would do. Except that I don’t feel like a normal kid. I don’t have a smile on my face every time. How can I feel normal when the
559 Mots / 3 Pages