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Dialogue en anglais sur la restauration

TD : Dialogue en anglais sur la restauration. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Janvier 2017  •  TD  •  265 Mots (2 Pages)  •  725 Vues

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AN : Good evening Madam and Sir, welcome to the bouillon chartier ! Do you have a reservation?
E : No
AN : Ok, there is only one table left, may I take your coat?
E et C : No
AN: Here is Arthur, he will show you your table
AR: Hello, please comme this way. Here is the aperitifs list
        donne la carte des aperitifs
Are you ready to order ?
C : We will take 2 ameriano please, and some peanuts if it's possible
AR : Of course, I'll be right back
L : Good evening, here is the menu
C : Thanks
L : Are your eady to order?
C : Yes ! As a starter I will take 6 snails, then I will take a beef tartare with french fries, and I don't want to take a desert.
E : I want to start with a duck foie gras, then I want spaghetties bolognese, and a  rum baba as a desert.
C : And wich wine could you suggest me for my tartare ?
L : I think an AOC Cote du Rhone goes well with a beef tartare
C : Ok thank you, I will take one glass please
E : Oh and I want a bottle of Vittel please
L : Ok, I'll be right back

Did you enjoy your meal?
E: Yes it was excellent, can we have the bill please.
L : Yes, please come this way to pay with our butler. Good bye
AN : Here it is
E :         sort sa carte
AN : Good bye, we hope to see you again.


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