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Dialogue Anglais

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Par   •  9 Mai 2014  •  271 Mots (2 Pages)  •  856 Vues

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Script Wonld Wildlife Fun

(Gabin Dijs, Claret Camille, Bousson Thomas, Stanislas Ciesiolka)

Journalist: Thomas Bousson

Canditate: Gabin Dijs

J: Welcome on 204TV, today we are hosting a special gest: Mike Spike.

Hi Mike how are you?

M: Fine thank

J: We are here to tall about your presidential campaign, tell me your objectives.

M: In my opinion the main issue is help the energical transition we need to decrease greenhouse gases and favor the carpooling. Or increase public transport in the country side.

J: What does energical transition mean ?

M: We have to reduce fuel energy and increase sustainable energy, to do this, we have to raise awareness people about environmental protection, like stop waste energy, and be more thrifty.

J: Do think that you must use Carbon Cards like the Saci Lloyd’s novel: The carbon diaries?

M: I am convinced that it is a good idea but think it’s too restricting.

J: You told me about the carpooling, what do you want to do?

M: I want to create advertisement to raise awareness people about the carpooling and massit transit. I’ll propose to the government solutions.

J: And about endangered species? What is your project ?

M: There is a need to safeguard the wild life. It’s the prime reason why I would like to be the president of WWF.

J: Could you explain the endangned species’s issue.

M: Because of the deforestation, the climate, the biodiversity is disappearing, there fone, if we don’t act now, if we don’t fight fon preserve the wild life, a lot of species are going to vanish.

J: What solution do you propose?

M: The hunting, peaching should be forbidden and should be punished by law.

J: Thank you fon this interview, by!

M: By

J: This is the end of this TV menus.


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