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Dialogue Anglais Peter Et Son Grand père

Note de Recherches : Dialogue Anglais Peter Et Son Grand père. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Mars 2014  •  414 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 347 Vues

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Peter's mother tells Peter's grandfather, Robert, to go say to Peter that they're having dinner. 

Robert goes into Peter's room and finds him on his bed, with his laptop. 

Robert_ Your mom has already called you 3 times! Are you deaf or what? You should come to dinner right now, she's not very happy... 

Peter_ I can't right now. I'm talking to someone. 

Robert_ Do you really have to stay on your computer 24 hours a day? When I was young, we didn't have computers and we lived well! Now the teens of today are just stuck in front of those things the all day and do nothing else! 

Peter_ That's not true! I don't spend the all day on it, and neither do the others teenagers! Well, maybe some of them do... but I'm not one of them! I still go out! Don't think I don't have a social life! On the contrary, the internet is very practical to talk to your friends after school or even to old friends you don't see anymore. 


Robert_ Alright, alright... you don't need to get mad. But the internet didn't bring only good things.

Peter_ Are you saying that life was better when we didn't have computers, phones and all those things? That's stupid! Think of all the things that technology has brought us! 

Robert_ I've got nothing against computers or phones. What I don't like is the fact that everybody is completely addicted to them! When you're not on your computer, you're in front of the TV, when you're not in front of the TV, you send messages on your phone. You just have to go out in the streets to see that everyone is constantly with a phone in their hands.

Peter_ I've already told you: everybody is not like that! I'm just talking to a friend. 

Robert_ At least when I was your age, kids didn't cry because some stupid rumor had been released on the internet in the only purpose to make the person upset. 

Peter_ I've never done something like that, and I never will! It's not because some guy has been nasty to someone that I'm like him! There are bad people all the time! That's not something that became new with the internet. 

Robert_ What about when someone loses his phone? It became such a big deal! 

Peter_ Well, you wouldn't want to lose something that coasted you 400 pounds, would you? 

Robert_ Maybe you're right. But we probably should have this conversation at another time. Your mom is waiting, come on!


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