Dialogue anglais
Discours : Dialogue anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar flavie17 • 13 Mai 2017 • Discours • 508 Mots (3 Pages) • 843 Vues
A dam which recycle ocean’s litter and a new transport
F- A dialogue between two engineers and the CEO are talking about a new project for the competition of the future city.
L- Good morning everyone! Today, Mathilde and Flavie will present you our new project to save the Earth. So, please begin, when you’re ready Mathilde.
M- Thanks Mrs, I’m planning to show you my project finalized. So, my project consists to create a dam, which recycles ocean’s litter.
F- I enjoy the concept but is it really a good idea?
M- I think it’s a good idea because oceans will be clean and after marine mammals could live for a long time.
L- I think you’re right, but if we install this dam we will spend lots of money. And to conclude, if this project not run on, we will lose our money.
F- Yes, I agree with you Mrs.
M- What you’re saying is right and I agree too, but now the planet is in danger. With the rise of the global warming we must find absolutely a solution.
L- I think we must think about it because this isn’t a problem to be taken lightly! Flavie please pursue.
F- I’m thinking of creating a new transport, which works with solar energy. It is an escalator like in the airport, but it is very faster than the others I mentioned. My new invention can replace the bus, the underground etc.…
M- But if it rains we will be wet.
F- You’re wrong because the escalator is sheltered. My project doesn’t pollute the planet through solar panels on the top.
L- What you’re saying is pretty good. Mrs Balavoine, is there anything you’d like to add?
M- Yes of course, as you can see on the prototype, the dam sucks up litters.
F- It’s a wonderful idea! On top of that the plastic kills 1.5 million animals a year. For instance, the turtles, dolphins and whales.
L- Yes, I heard the ocean shelters the main “island” of waste because there are 3.5 million square kilometers of litters, so seven times as big as France.
M- So, just place floating barriers where they are whirlwinds, so as to collect rubbish.
F- It’s the most intelligent thing I’ve ever heard.
L- So your project Mathilde convince me. It’s a good job!
M- Thanks Mrs Gardies, that makes me happy because I blessed my time for this project for two years.
L- I would like to hear more Flavie’s project.
F- So the escalators work as fast as car. On top of that there is heating and it is very modern. In a word this new transport replaces the bus, and it’s very cheaper, only one euro.
M- This project is very interesting, but I’d like to know if this escalator is dangerous because it’s very fast.
F- Absolutely not because you’re sitting, and there are heating pads.
L- I love it. Congratulations. I hope our company will win the competition of the future city.
M- Yes, we hope our inventions will win the competition of the future city.
F- And since we were born, we’ve been aware of environmental issues.