BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 931 - 945
Devoir 3 E4 CNED
Exercice 1 Ce que je veux savoir Question à poser type Les campagnes de communication déjà menées Quels supports avez-vous utilisé lors de vos précédentes campagnes de communication? Question ouverte Les objectifs de communication Vous faire connaître est au centre de vos préoccupations, n’est-ce pas? Question Ballon d’essai Zone de
608 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir 4 , Anglais AN01 Cned
1. Compétence linguistique 1. 1)- I have just seen - It has denounced 2)- We have met. - he has recovered 3)- He has been trying. - has succeed 4)- How long have they been living - They have never been able 5)- They have already spoken - they haven't
930 Mots / 4 Pages -
Devoir 6 anglais terminale Cned
Dear Sir, I am writing to enquire about limiting Wikileaks and i have a request for you. I have thought with good sense and i really think that we should not limit Wikileaks. Because, in my sense, the work of Wikileaks is essential to informing and communicate with the population.
255 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir anglais : Samsong
Hello everybody ! Today we’re going to present you a new music’s application named Samsong and not Samsung. This application, Samsong, could allow all of the world to listen to quite the musics which they want at any time. It is usable by Wi-Fi is allows to receive several musics
283 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir Anglais BTS
1 : Questions de compréhensions * What is the basic wage of a Chinese worker? Chinese workers are paid 64 cents an hour without take account of the room and board costs, they work 74 hours per week. * What are the 3 things they are not allowed to do
404 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir anglais CNED
Le documents est une émisson télé sur la chaine MSNBC qui a pour thème « the project 1619 ». Le présentateur commence par expliquer que 400 ans auparavant en 1619 ou sont arrivés pour la première fois en Amérique des esclaves africains dans la colonie anglaise de « Jamestow ».
698 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir anglais CNED 1
Vous disposez de 20 minutes pour prendre connaissance du document support audio, des questions posées et de la mise en situation ci-après. Dégagez sous forme de notes les éléments essentiels du document audio (personnages, idées principales, problématique…) ainsi que vos commentaires personnels sur le thème abordé, afin de préparer une
676 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir Anglais CNED Haïti
Dear Sir, I am a French teenager who just learns the bad news about the earthquake catastrophe in Haiti. I am writing to you to express why the textile companies have to join the Fair Trade. You can see the catastrophe was terrible about the country of Haiti, more than
252 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir anglais n2 première L
Modèle de copie Word (à partir de la version 2007) Références du devoir Matière : Anglais littérature étrangère Code de la matière : AN16 N° du devoir : 2 (tel qu’il figure dans le fascicule devoirs) Pour les devoirs de langues étrangères, précisez LV1, LV2 ou LV3 : LV1 Vos
1 171 Mots / 5 Pages -
Devoir anglais sur McDonald's
McDonald’s McDonald's is a fast food chain found worldwide founded by businessman Ray Kroc in 1952 after buying the rights to a small hamburger chain operated from 1937 by Richard and Maurice McDonald How MacDonald’s succeeded? I. The creation of MacDonald’s In 1937, brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald opened a
647 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir anglais, job market
August 12th 2016 1900 Du Bocage avenue, Shawinigan , QC Dear , In the unit 6, I learned something particularly important about the job market. It is very well explained how to make a career choice, in step, which could help many people who are not able to make this
335 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir anglais: les rêves
Dreams are the most amazing things in life , we all love to dream and we all love to hope and to see ourselves getting better and better each day. Everyone of us dreams of being something and tries to achieve his goals , everyone has his own resolutions and
420 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir BTS tourisme, anglais.
Nom du professeur correcteur : Note : Observations générales : Rédigez votre texte : Part 1 The caller is Nicola Smith and her email address is She is calling to give the information needed about a group of 7 young people that would like to stay in a chalet
692 Mots / 3 Pages -
Devoir d'anglais
DEVOIR 1 : ANGLAIS Part 1 : The Hôtel Dieu. 1.1 1 - True 2 - True 3 - True 4 - True 5 - True 6 - False 7 - True 8 - True 9 - True 10 – False 1.2 The recording that is exact, is the C,
428 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir d'anglais
Hello everyone. Today I will present my invention which for me will be useful to society: S.A.N.I.T.Y, a robot about 2.5 meters in height whose role is to clean the cities. First, this idea came to me when, while walking in the streets, I saw garbage all the time. There
296 Mots / 2 Pages