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English Lesson : Directions

Guide pratique : English Lesson : Directions. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Avril 2020  •  Guide pratique  •  320 Mots (2 Pages)  •  541 Vues

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English Lesson : Directions


 In English giving directions is very useful in any day to day situation in any English speaking country. In order to properly give directions , as well as receiving them, you have to follow a few of these steps.
You will need some vocabulary : Right ( Droite), Left (Gauche), Straight (Tout droit), Back/Backwards ( derrière), To Turn ( tourner à) , To cross (traverser), the street ( la rue), the avenue ( l’avenue), the roundabout (le rondpoint), …

This vocabulary is basic to help you receive and give directions.


        For the application of direction giving you will want to be as precis as you can.
The way you give directions can differ with whoever you ask. Thus a simple way of giving directions and easy way to remember them is by using in the same way.

Asking for directions:
En_ Excuse me, do  you know  how  can I get to (place) ?
Fr_ Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous me dire comment je puisse me rendre à (l’endroit) ?

Receiving and giving directions :

En_ Yes, to get to ( place) you must/have to go (given directions)
Fr_ Oui, pour vous rendre (endroit) vous devez/pourrez aller (directions donné)


In giving directions some people might use a complex vocabulary – fear not! In giving dirctions in a town/ city in America is a lot easier than it is in France. In America and Canada, each and every street has signs giving you the street name on every corner.
Ordinal numbers( FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH,…) can be used as well while someone gives directions to say how many blocks you must cross before arriving to your destination.

Cardinal Points(North, East, South and West) are used in a very rare context. They are used mostly by a GPS and is visible in some upper-class cars.



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