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Dialogue, Interview fictive Jose Antonio Vagras

Discours : Dialogue, Interview fictive Jose Antonio Vagras. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Novembre 2022  •  Discours  •  996 Mots (4 Pages)  •  315 Vues

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A : Good morning everyone ! Welcome to the Debate Radio, it's Ayline and and it's 10 o'clock : the moment of our daily interview. Please, applaud loudly our Guest : Jose Antonio Vergas !!

JAV : Hi !

A : Hi Jose, nice to meet you !

JAV : thank you, it's also a pleasure.

A : So for the listeners who join us, here's Jose Antonio Vargas who came on the occasion of the release of his autobiographical film "Documented". Jose, can you tell us a bit more about yourself and your journey ?

JAV : Yeah, first of all, I'm a journalist and filmmaker. I grew up in philipeans Until I was 12 years old when my mother put me on a plane to the United States. She wanted me to leave a better life cause we had lots of financialy difficults since my father and her broke up. So she sent me to my grandparents who were naturelized american and who supported us financially. They raised me in the idea that I was a documented American but I discovered It was false at the age of 16 when I tryed to get my drivers permit. I felt betrayed... I convinced myself that if I worked hard enough, I would be gratified with the american nationality. So I did my best to succed in my studies of journalism, I've been hired for some great posts, interviewed many celebrities and got the Pultizer Prise in 2007.

A : So, we really can say that you climbed the social ladder ! It looks really good from the outside, but did you feel it right ? Cause if I were you, I would have been so afraid of being discovered...

JAV : Yes, I got to admit that in fact, it was hard. I was constantly anxious about being arrested and deported... I couldn't tell anyone that I was undocumented, I couldn't trust anyone so I had to hide me and my story. For exemple, I had no pictures of my familie in my appartement, I put all of them into a shoes box to make sure no one would ask me any question about my past.

A : It's a terrible situation and I guess many people are leaving this everyday in the US. That's a real problem for our society. Do you think activism is the solution ?

JAV : Yes, I absolutly agree. It seems like the poltical institutions don't do anything for that. For exemple last year, I took part of a demonstration for the DREAM act which consist of Regularizing the situation of immigrant minors so that they can study and work in the United States. But this law proposition still doesn't make the unanimity in the Congress. It's for those kind of situation that Immigration Activism is so important. We need to reach out people to make the difference. This is also why I chose this subtitle you know, I want to change mentality, I want american people to look at undocumented americans like humans, like the freinds they meet everyday, like their american brothers and sisters, not like foreigners.

A: Oh, I understand..You're conveying a pretty message of tolerance. It really highlights the fact that beeing an American is not about being a legal citizen , having an American passport but about how you feel, what you contribute to the country and the values you adhere to. I feel a bit Emotional, sorry...(petite larme) Hum so... You talked about your sucess, do you believe in American dream ? What would you say to


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