BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 201 - 1 215
English, "my expert look"
My expert look 1) The characters in the video don’t listen each others, so this meeting is a real disaster, I think they just don’t care about it, one is on phone and leaves this meeting just like that what is very rude, an other one makes jokes, an other
266 Mots / 2 Pages -
English, article about Jim Crupi
In this article jim crupi rethink the leadership through the effect of music ,first Jim Crupi consider a leader is both a singer and songwriter so music touch people and has an emotional impact leader have to touch people hearts like music does ,music with lyrics and leader with their
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English, questions
1. It took her 3 hours to get to the city centre. -> She spent 3 hours getting to the city centre 2. Are you aware of the grammar structure? -> Do you .... have awareness of the grammar structure? 3. We succeeded in digging the Panama cannel. -> We
977 Mots / 4 Pages -
English, report of 750 words
Based on the presentation topic/question students should write a 750 word report analyzing, from a personal perspective, the approach taken and the arguments presented. This should also reflect on the observations made in the seminar discussion following the presentation. This is an individual piece of work in which students should
330 Mots / 2 Pages -
English, Waiting for Godot, Samuel Becket, Essay
L.C. ENGLISH ESSAY “Nothing happens twice” How far do you agree with this statement in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett? Repetition is the recurrence of an action or event. In the play Waiting for Godot repetition seem to have an important presence. On a country road, near a tree,
1 979 Mots / 8 Pages -
Enigma machine
Enigma machine I like cryptography, so I will present you a famous machine, named Enigma which helped the nazis to encrypt messages during the world war two. It was invented in 1918 by Arthur Scherbius just for fun. Then it served the German army to deceive the Allies during the
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Enjeux Mémoriels de la Guerre d’Algérie
Enjeux Mémoriels de la Guerre d’Algérie La Guerre d’Algérie fut un évènement majeur de l’Histoire Méditerranéenne dans la seconde partie du XXème siècle. Devant sa brutalité et ses enjeux colossaux à la fois pour l’Algérie et la France, de nombreux et profonds traumatismes apparurent. Fait notable et particulièrement important comme
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Ensemble leçon War On Screen
Leçon 1 : We watch a trailer of “we were soldiers” by Rendall Wallace, which deals with the Vietnam war. Regarding Soldier’s representation, we can say that they were portrayed as brave and self-sacrificing people but on the other hand. They are also portrayed as father, as men ( father
794 Mots / 4 Pages -
Entraînement BTS BLANC Anglais (méthodologie)
Anglais le 9 janvier 2018 Correction BTS BLANC Cet article paru dans THE GROCER en août 2007, traite des séquelles possibles de l’usage d’internet sur les salariés. Contrairement aux téléphones, internet s’est développé très rapidement, laissant peu de temps aux utilisateurs pour s’adapter et dont les effets secondaires possibles sont
417 Mots / 2 Pages -
Entrainement de traduction
I/ Introduction Un système d'information comptable (AIS) est un groupe de composants qui interagit et utilise des collecter, stocker, gérer, traiter, récupérer et rapporter ses données financières afin qu'elles puissent être utilisées par comptables, consultants, analystes commerciaux, directeurs, directeurs financiers, auditeurs et agences réglementaires et fiscales. En particulier, des comptables
1 381 Mots / 6 Pages -
Entretien d'embauche
Job Interviews Explanation of a job interview, highlight its qualities : I am a reserved and shy, I'm someone who likes to work and who know How to Be Serious When is needed. I am Both Rigorous and methodical. I did an internship in a town hall when I was
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Entretien en anglais.
1 me))) hello, how are you ? prof)))))) 1 me)))) i saw your job hunting in on youtube, that why my assistants call you last monday. you have a great idea, so you post your resume en youtube but on your resume i can see , You made a success
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Environmental Emergencies: Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ?
Environmental Emergencies Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ? PARTY I First of all, we will see the atmospheric pollution. The atmospheric pollution has harmful effects on human
351 Mots / 2 Pages -
Environmental issues
Environmental issues This is an extract from article entitled «concord, Massachusetts bans sale of small water bottles». Its author is unknown but it was published on the third of January 2013 on the website of the British media company, BBC News in its US and Canada section. It deals with
463 Mots / 2 Pages -
EOC - Idea of Progress - Can the Civil Rights Act be considered a progress?
________________ ________________ Notion : Idea of progress ________________ ________________ Problematic : Can the Civil Rights Act be considered a progress? ________________ ________________ Introduction : ________________ ________________ We usually define the idea of progress as an improvement, a development or a change - a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes
1 091 Mots / 5 Pages