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La ségrégation

Commentaire d'oeuvre : La ségrégation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Février 2020  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  568 Mots (3 Pages)  •  424 Vues

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After civil war on 1865 slavery was abolished in the Southern USA but the black people gradually exclued from the political life is imposed a legal system of segregation it will last nearly a century The document that I’m going to talk about is a movie which name is “SELMA” It was realized by Ava DuVernay in 2014 this movie talk about the fight of Martin Luther King Of the right of food of black people this same fight will earn him the Noble peace prize on May 1965 Martin Luther King organized a big step in Salem Alabama to restore the right of Black people in this movie we learned that black people are not forbidden to vot but they are subject to discriminatory laws in fact to be in the electoral list they had to pay taxes past literacy test text and several others obstacles. At 6 and a half minutes in the movie we see a woman coming to file a registration file to vote. After which he will be asked to recite the preamble to the constitution, then ask him how many Judges are there in Alabama county and quote them one by one. This passage shows how black people have been victims of injustice and discrimination. So the step which sought to restore the right of vote of black people took place in 3 parts. The first took place in March 7th, it was named “bloody Sunday” and was led by Hosea Williams and John Lewis without Martin Luther King. They were 600 protesters gone from Selma to Montgomery which were the capital of Alabama. Their goal was to make heard their voices. This step which supposed to be peaceful very badly finished. in fact the protesters were arrested after a few kilometres on the bridge Edmund Pettus, then a multitude of violence act have taken place, the police attacked the passers with batons, teargas. In the movie when we see the images we can imagine the extent of the situation because it has so much violence. to touch and alarm many people as possible the event was filmed and diffused in all USA. but let such cruelty continue was impossible for many of white people, so they decided to participate to the second walk in March 9th. We call it “turnaround Tuesday” this time it will be led by Martin Luther King, but once arrived on the bridge where to place riots of the first step, Martin Luther King decided to turn back. A few days later 3 pastors where attacked by the Klu Klux Klan and one of them will die. the third walk will unwind successfully 3200 protesters come from SELMA in March 21th and 25000 arrives in Montgomery in March 25th with Martin Luther King who has always been there, he has done everything possible to make this march happened in peace. Once arrived Martin Luther King recite his famous speech “how long, no long” for the right of vote of black people. A few months later on August the president will be sign the voting right act which grants the right of vote without restrictions. To reward Martin Luther King for his achievements, he will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1964. So we can says that Martin Luther King as well as the protesters are Heroes because they risked their life to defend their rights.


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