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Air France et développement durable

Étude de cas : Air France et développement durable. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Février 2020  •  Étude de cas  •  1 419 Mots (6 Pages)  •  658 Vues

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Throughout this presentation, we will talk about Air France. AF is a French multinational flag carrier company headquartered in Tremblay-en-France. We chose this topic because it’s a very diversified company which plays a big role in the Pollution and Sustainable Development. Moreover, Air France is a company that we all know, indeed, it’s a world-famous company which is very influential. So, we thought that Its actions to fight against global warming are important because it will have an impact on other companies and will serve as example.

Nowadays, there is a major awareness about the importance of the human’s impact on the planet. Indeed, we are in a context of major pollution, where aviation sector participates a lot. 3% to 4% of global CO2 emissions come from it. However, airplane became essential in our daily life, with more than 35 million fly a day which is not negligible. Following this, there is a new movement spreading more and more named “The flygskam movement”, launched in Sweden, which means the shame of flying because it pollutes. This may jeopardize the airline company.

This is the reason why we will see if Air France fits or not with this important change in this field of activity? 

On the first hand, we make a presentation of this company and her role in the atmospheric pollution, and on the second hand we will see its actions to fight pollution caused by his activities and to develop the Sustainable Development. 

  1. Air France’s presentation

  1. General presentation 

First of all, Air France was formed on October 7, 1933, from a merger of Air Orient, Air Union, and Société Générale de Transport Aérien (SGTA). Between April 2001 and March 2002, the airline carried 43.3 million passengers and had a total revenue of 25,4 billion euros, dispatched between three business segments :

  • firstly, passenger transport represents 21.2 billion euros, so 83% of its revenue. 
  • secondly, cargo transport for 2.7 billion euros or 11% of turnover 
  • Thirdly, maintenance for 1.5 billion euros

In November 2014, Air France ranked as the largest European airline with 25.5% total market share and was the largest airline in the world in terms of operating revenue. Moreover, the group has 607 aircraft in operation, 258 destinations in 106 countries for more than 104,600 employees worldwide.

  1. Its pollution / greenhouse emissions


We have to say that the plane pollutes more than the other modes of transport. For example, It pollutes much more than the train, at least in terms of carbon emissions.


Moreover, air pollution is currently of great concern, especially in Sweden, where the flyskam movement which is the shame of take the plane forced the CEO of Air France to announce "a multi-million-euro investment" in order to reduce its carbon footprint. The impact of air transport on the climate results mainly from the combustion of kerosene in jet engines. Indeed, emissions represent 3 to 4% of global emissions. For example, a round-trip Paris New York produces 1 tonne of CO2 which is not negligible and necessarily but unfortunately leads to global warming.

But despite the fact that the airline transportation trade is a source of pollution, now, we will see how it also tries to participate in reducing the pollution.

  1. Air France’s engagements and solutions to limit its pollution 

Air France try to offer a responsible trip for everyone, for today’s generations but also futures generations. Indeed, they are aware of the impact of their activities on the environment.

  1. Actions

Although Air France have a very polluting activity, the company try to integrate more and more the sustainable development in their activities whether in relation to the environment, customer experiences, social policy, and local development. For instance, Air France edits its annual report of sustainable development which is entirely digital. Thus, we can see clearly their motivation to have a sustainable way of work, not only by the decrease of their emission of their plane but also with their way to manage. 

In their struggle against the climate change, AF has developed a climate plan which is composed by 6 priority axes with goals and action plane. 

  • Continue to modernize the fleet and contribute to aeronautical research.
  • Mobilize all staff and external stakeholders around ambitious environmental action plans and based on the principles of ecodesign.
  • Actively encourage the emergence of sustainable alternative fuels for aviation and participate in renewable energy research.
  • Support environmental protection programs led by NGOs.
  • Make available to customers all the information on CO2 emissions related to their journey and offer them the possibility of compensating them.
  • Support efforts towards a global climate agreement and a fair contribution from the air.

During the COP21 in 2015, Air France signed a declaration to reduce their greenhouse gas emission, to improve their energy consumption, and to develop biofuels. 

They have invested several million euros in order to offset 100% of carbon dioxide emissions from their domestic flights which means flights in France representing 500 flights per day. It is one of the first airline company to do it.


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