Environmental Emergencies: Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ?
Cours : Environmental Emergencies: Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Valentin Pinault • 2 Novembre 2016 • Cours • 351 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 285 Vues
Environmental Emergencies
Firstly we will see the types and causes of pollution and secondly we will see the consequences of pollution and finally we will look how to fight pollution ?
First of all, we will see the atmospheric pollution. The atmospheric pollution has harmful effects on human health and the environment. There are two types of air pollution. The pollution bound to the human activity (car, industry, heating) and the natural pollution (volcanism and erosion).
Then, the chemical pollution is caused by discharges of chemicals sometimes in industry and in dwelling. Moreover it is caused by the presence of chemical substances which normally are absent or are in very small quantities. Heavy metals are metals whose the atomic number greater than 20. As heavy metals there is lead, zinc, mercury and pesticides.
Indeed, the pollution is a deterioration of the environment by introducing air, water or soil material is not naturally present in the medium. The water pollution is caused by principally humans and animal trash. More we can be added that fertilizer and cattle harm to the pollution too. Finally, the sediment is a particle created by ice, wind and water.
Indeed, the radioactive pollution corresponds to the introduction directly or indirectly by human activity. The radioactive substances contribute a danger to humans. They come from spills of waste water, hospitals and uranium mines. The radioactivity is very dangerous and takes years to disappear. For example atomic bombs, nuclear power plants and radioactive elements used in medicine.
Genetic pollution that is to say the introduction or foreign or modified genes in a genome. These genes may come of domestic species, exotic species or genetically modified organisms. The transmission of these genes into the environment can be achieved by breeding and producing hybrid or by direct integration in the genome of an organism.
Industrial pollution is the pollution of the environment by industry which affects more or less functioning of the ecosystem. For example : gaseous waste, chemical products, radioactivity and artificial light.
Pollution has serious impacts on the world. First the deterioration of the landscape and heritage.
http://www.acnusa.fr/fr/la-pollution-de-lair/les-effets-de-la-pollution-atmospherique/19 (pollution atsmosphérique)