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Dissertation sur le progrès en anglais

Dissertation : Dissertation sur le progrès en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mars 2018  •  Dissertation  •  523 Mots (3 Pages)  •  708 Vues

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Today I'm going to be discussing about the idea of Progress. For me progress consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life.What we need to ask ourselves is If Progress is always progress ? In the first part of my presentation I will discuss about scientific, technologic and the social progress. Then in a second part I will talk about negative effects

 Illness's cures  had considerably progressed thanks to the science progress. Some Illness don't exist anymore thanks to the deelopment of vaccine like for exemple the measles. Microsurgery in part can allows to undertake delicate and definites operations thanks to tiny surgical tools. Transplant had also progressed.Ludwig Guttman founded in 1960 the «British Sports association of the Disabled». The german neurosurgeon had inherited of Games Paralympiques. That's a big advance cause thanks to him, many people which had an handicap still plays.

New  technologies has also changed the way to communicate across the world. Diversification and multiplication of areas are present on internet. We can now buy, sell, travel,buy food, play and infinite other possibilities.Let's talk now about social networks as Facebook but as area: in France.

Facebook is one of the most famous social networks with 33millions of users. 

In the industrial production way, automation and robotization speed up the processus of manufacture.Work become less hard for workers but the machines tend to replace the Man and unemployment can't stop to augment, In France (about 10%)

Since  1960, women's right had considerably progressed in anglo-saxon countries: racial discrimination and sexual discrimination is forbidden on the workplace since 1964 in the USA. Also, the same-sex marriage is official in some countries (France, Spain, Germany...). LGBT rights had progressed cause it was a gentle offence of prison.

 Social progress most often comes about when members of a population feel unhappy with their living conditions or their social rights. Change most often comes about following a fight for rights and this change sometimes accompanied by severe opposition. We can take for example Euthanasia,addiction to smartphones and video games,the end to apartheid in South Africa

From an ethical point of view, cloning raises problems because destroying embryos and using them only for the purpose of research would be considered as unethical. Moreover, cloning could become a real market and would devalue children and treat them as commodities.There are also uncertain genetic consequences: many of the early animal clones had clinical problems derived from genetic effects. For example, old age illnesses in the youthful Dolly the sheep.A lot of people worry that cloned people would be regarded as slaves or second class citizens with no civil rights ,since they are just copies. I find this reasoning absolutely ridiculous, since a person is a person despite their genetic source or if artificially created. An other problem ,everyone would be identical and look the same.

We can say now for conclude that there is a big progress, and we need progress for life even If there are many negative effects, but we can't go on without something new, without a progress! That's why we need it.


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