BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 511 - 525
Biographie de Freddy Mercury en anglais
Freddy Mercury Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara on September 5(fifth), 1946 at Zanzibar City in Tanzania. His parents were accountant at the British Office of Zanzibar, they send him to his grandmother in India when he was 7 years. He went to Saint Peter School in quoted Bombay where
382 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie de J.K Rowling
J.K Rowling is a famous escritor, especially for her Harry Potter literary saga. The parents of J.K Rowling, Anne Volant and Pete Rowling met on the King's Cross train. Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born on July 31 1965 in Yate in the west of England, her parents would have preferred
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Biographie de Jackie Chan (document en anglais)
asffffffffffffffffffffChan was born on 7 April 1954, in British Hong Kong, as Chan Kong-sang, to Charles and Lee-Lee Chan, refugees from the Chinese Civil War. He was nicknamed Pao-pao Chinese: 炮炮 (literally meaning "Cannonball") because the high-energy child was always rolling around.[3] Since his parents worked for the French ambassador
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Biographie de Sam Cook
Sam Cooke de son vrai nom Samuel Cook est né au Mississippi dans une famille de huit enfants. Il s'intéresse très jeune à la musique et au chant. Fils d’un pasteur, il a chanté au sein d’une chorale religieuse. Le groupe The Singing Children est fondé par lui, trois
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Biographie de Shakespeare
Exposé Shakespeare 1) Biographie William Shakespeare est né à Stratford-Upon-Avon avec pour nom de baptême Gulielmus Filius Johannes Shakespeare. Il fut baptisé le 26 mais on pense qu’il est né le 23 avril 1563. Il est le troisième enfant d'une famille aisée et le premier fils. Son père, John Shakespeare,
2 180 Mots / 9 Pages -
Biographie de Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo (1802-1885) est un célèbre écrivain, dramaturge, poète, homme politique, académicien et intellectuel français. Il est considéré comme l’une des plus importantes personne du XIX siècle. Ses œuvres les plus connus sont Les misérables, Les châtiments et Les Contemplations. Suite à la perte de sa fille Léopoldine et son
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Biographie Sheryl Sandberg
Sheryl Sandberg I’m going to talk about Sheryl Sandberg one of the most powerful women in the world. Let’s begin with the beginning, daughter of an ophthalmologist and teacher, Sheryl was born in Washington DC in 1969. She had a peaceful childhood at North Miami Beach. Then, she went to
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Biography of Aretha Franklin
Introduction : Biography of Aretha Franklin : Aretha Franklin was born in 1942 in the Tennessee and she died in 2018 in the Michigan. But, this women grew up in Detroit, where her father, the pastor C.L. Franklin, pays a lot of attention to civil law. She was a singer,
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Biography of Elon Mosk
ELON MUSK Elon Mosk is really a self made man because a self made man is somebody who has raised to succes and weath without money or social position. Elon Musk - Wikipedia Elon musk was born in 1971, in Pretoria (South-Africa). His father : Errol Musk was an Anglo-South
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Biography of Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner was born on August 10th, 1997 in Los Angeles, she is a personality of the reality tv, an actress, a stylist, and a American businesswoman Kylie Jenner of his full name Kylie Kristen Jenner born in Los Angeles, in California, in the United States. His father
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Biography of Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, whose tribal clan name is "Madiba", was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo in a Cape Province. He died on December 5, 2013 in Johannesburg, graduated from the University, of South African nationality. He became a lawyer and became a South African statesman; He was one
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Biography of Patria Mirabal
Biography Patria Mirabal She was born on February 27th 1924 in Ojo de Agua, Salcedo and she died on November 25th 1960 in the Dominican republic. She had a passion for the paint, with which she took refuge in the intimate and tragic moments of her life, by creating works
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BIOGRAPHY Stephen Hawking is the best-known and most popular theoretical physicist of our time. Born in Oxford in 1942, he was the son of Frank Hawking, who was a medical expert in the investigation of tropical diseases and his mother, Isobel, who studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Hawking in his
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Biologie du développement
Biologie du développement Formation et croissance des muscles squelettiques La différenciation des somites Structures alignées de part et d’autre de la moelle épinière (SNC), formation récurrente (toutes les 90 min chez le poulet) Avant que ça forme le somite : mésoderme pré-somitique Somite = ensemble de cellules épithéliales (polarisées :
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Bipolar Paper
Bryanna Harrington 14 December 2015 Bipolar Disorder Treatments That girl is crazy. She needs help. She must be bipolar. Bipolar disorder also can be identified as manic depression. It claims the lives of ten million Americans. It contains two extremes emotions; the patients have stages where they are manic and
1 979 Mots / 8 Pages