Compte rendu : MEETING REPORT. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jubeauu • 22 Mars 2021 • Compte rendu • 560 Mots (3 Pages) • 389 Vues
JULES: I think we must automate our production so I did estimations on machines productivity and I conclude that we could increase our productivity by 25%.
RIAD: For engine sub-contracting I made enquiries with foreign companies in China.
and I asked my customers through a survey he prefers that the finish is handmade rather than the engines, giving priority to the aesthetics.
EMMA: In preparation for my meeting, I surveyed our consumers on the importance of handmade and made in England. The standing of our brand allows us to increase prices according to the survey because consumers are attached to our brand image and are willing to pay for it. In preparation for my meeting I surveyed our consumers on the importance of handmade and made in England. The standing of our brand allows us to increase prices according to the survey because consumers are attached to our brand image and are willing to pay for it.
MELVIN: I researched places where we could relocate our factory. So, I created surveys and posted them on social medias and other platforms to find out where we could get the less working force.
RIAD: The objective is to increase our production by offering engines manufactured by another company while becoming more profitable and keeping the bodywork home-made for customer satisfaction.
JULES: I want to fully automate production and introduce machines to the factory. I think that the craftsmen who made the cars by hand could be retrained to operate the machines; therefore, there would be no lay-offs and production could be increased.
EMMA: I had to defend a price increase of 20% to cover production costs so that it stays in England and 100% handmade.
MELVIN: We want to relocate the factory to a low-cost country and increase production by up to 25%.
JULES: I know that if we choose to use machines for our future production, we could increase our production by 25%. So, we can increase our revenues by 25%.
MELVIN: We want to relocate our factory because we want to make as much profit as possible after having paid for the labour and raw materials used for the construction of our sports cars.
EMMA: I knew that by keeping a 100% handmade production in England we would be able to increase our prices.
MELVIN: Why should we relocate?
-labor is less
-factory rent is less
-taxes are less
-raw materials could be found directly in the country where we will relocate our factory instead of importing them to England and paying extra fees
-relocating can increase your turnover between 30 to 60%
EMMA: consumers are attached to a 100% handmade production
consumers can pay more if the production stays 100% in England.
according to our calculations 20% increase in production is a very correct figure.
We found a compromise to say that relocate all the production could impact our brand image and it is not good for us, we are also agreeing to say that replace all craftsman by machine might be a bad idea because we lose our label “handmade”. It emerges from this meeting that it could be a good idea to relocate and subcontract the engine production and keep handmade assembly for the rest of the car in our actual factory.