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Synthèse anglais sur la prohibition

Synthèse : Synthèse anglais sur la prohibition. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mars 2021  •  Synthèse  •  1 068 Mots (5 Pages)  •  931 Vues

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We can say that there are lot of spaces and exchanges who are illegal in the twenties so in class we have studied the prohibition

So we questioned on how the spaces and exchanges became illegal in the roaring twenties in the USA.

 FIrst, I will show how alcohol became illegal and after we will see why the government wanted to stop the prohibition.

  1. First, I will show how alcohol became illegal with the first document which is an extract from a series names broadwalk empire that the women say liquor is demon, they are from the temperance league. Their motto is : « lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine » and we can notice that a man share one of his memory which he had to killed 3 rats to eat because his father took all the money to buy alcohol. So the women want the prohibition and the prohibition was voted with the 18th amendment. BUt, with the second document which is an extract from « the great gastby » we see that the society doesn’t follow the laws. Its the apparition of bootleggers and speakeasies. The bootleggers are the men who sold alcohol illegaly. The speakeasy are secret bar for exemple it’s could be a barber shop which is concelaling a secret bar they would exchanges alcohol for money. There is a coalition between political man and bootleggers thus « there is no prohibition with a coalition. So with this illegality the government decided to stop the prohibition.
  2.  Secondly, I will show why the government want to stop the prohibition. First, we see that the violence grow. In fact, there are officer of policy in Seattle and lawyer who turned into bootleggers like we can see in the third document which present some famous gangsters. And, with the document, we can see that the society of the roaring twenties was corrupted. We can say that the political sphere was tainted by illegality too with the last document which show the end of the prohibition. There are too much violence and the officer are scary with bootleggers because they were killed or bribe if they arrested them. And we can see that the prohibition movement lost most of its support. The legalization of alcohol became quite less of a necessity for the united state to win money because there is an economic crisis, and the gouvernement will put a fare on alcohol. Although the alcohol re became legal with the 21st amendment on december 5th of 1953


To conclude, we can say that the society of the twenties are corrupted and lot of people do illegal things even if they are people who follows the laws. So it’s because of the prohibition that the spaces and exchanges became illegal in the roaring twenties in the USA.

  1. My first part will show how women were submissed before. In class we studied a film from Jane Austen’s novels which is « sense and sensibility » In the XIX’s century which the document we saw a woman were submissed before. The girl on this document Marrianne Dashwood loves a man who doesn’t love her and because he doesn’t care about her. The woman suffers from a broken heart and an unrequited love. She is submissed to her feelings. The woman is represented as weak. We saw a second document which is « pride and prejudice » The woman are submissed to her parents because her parents have to choose her husband and if they doesn’t want they would be considered as spinster and in a third document which is a speech delivered by Elizabeth Cady Stanton called the declaration of sentiment we have seen that before, women were submissed to men. We can take for example that women were not allowed to vote and women couldn’t get a complete education. Unlike men, women couldn’t work and they had to stay at home. So we can see that women were submissed to men. So women began to rebel against this submission we will see how they fought this.
  2. In my second part, I will show how women began to fight against this submission. In fact in class we studied a document called « the declaration of sentiment » which is a speech delivered by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In this speech they debate about the place of the women in this unfair society women are complaining and blaming men to have created a tyranny against them. So women started to rebel, they started the feminism movement to fight for their rights. We have seen in another document which is « breakfast at Tiffanny’s » that the position of the woman have changed. The woman in this movie describe herself as a wild person. She is a new and independent woman. She embodies the new woman. To finish, we have seen with the ad for H&M that women are free to do and tone what they want. In fact, women are not oblige to shave her and they can do same things as men.


So with the different document we studied in this sequence we can see that the place of the women has evolved. Even if sometimes there are inequality between men and women.

In my favorite document which is the declaration of sentiment we can see that now women have the right to vite, women were allowed to work in public sphere and to have their own wages. The feminist movement has evolved too and I think all the women have to fight against sexism and women have to remembering all the right they have won since the 18 century. They almost have the same right as men.


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