- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

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4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 541 - 555

  • BMW, Honda, Toyota et Peugeot, qu’est-ce que toutes ces entreprises ont en commun? (document en anglais)

    BMW, Honda, Toyota et Peugeot, qu’est-ce que toutes ces entreprises ont en commun? (document en anglais)

    Introduction: (Competitors) BMW, Honda, Toyota and Peugeot, what do all these companies have in common? These are some of the best known car manufacturers in the world. (Definition of product) Cars are a necessity in the modern world. These are used to transport people and goods to various places. (Definition

    2 537 Mots / 11 Pages
  • BNP : Paribas

    BNP : Paribas

    BNP : Paribas 1. Histoire Le Groupe BNP Paribas est né en 2000 de la fusion de la BNP et de Paribas. Le nouveau Groupe hérite alors de deux grandes traditions bancaires, celle de la BNP, première banque française dont les origines remontent à 1848, et celle de Paribas, banque

    367 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bob dylan's protest song against the Vietnam war

    Bob dylan's protest song against the Vietnam war

    PROTEST SONG The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The war began in 1954 (though conflict in the region stretched back

    735 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Bob marley

    Bob marley

    BOB MARLEY Robert Nesta Marley, better known as Bob Marley, was a singer, guitarist, songwriter from the ghettos of Jamaica. Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in Jamaica; he is the best known reggae musician of all times, famous for popularising the genre outside of Jamaica. His father

    306 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Boko haram

    Boko haram

    1. Boko Haram porte un nom dont le sens résume ses motivations. Boko vant du mot livre et Haram venant du mot interdit, Boko haram veut donc dire : un rejet d’un enseignement perverti pas l’occidentalisation. Ce groupe est apparue dans les années 1970, en même temps que le Maitatsine

    631 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Bollywood


    Today we are going to introduce you to Bollywood, which is the musical film industry, located in Mumbai. With more than 3,000(thre thousand) films and almost 2 billion euros in revenue per year, Bollywood produces even more moovies than Hollywood. The History Of Bollywood It is in Calcutta, in 1907

    406 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bolsonaro


    1-Presentation Today I’m going to talk about the election of the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil on 28th October 2018. First of all, I’m going to present you the Brazil’s political history, then I’m going to introduce you to the man Bolsonaro and finally I’ll sum up his campaign.

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bon équilibre au travail

    Bon équilibre au travail

    Qu'entend-on par parvenir à un bon équilibre entre le travail et la vie privée ? Est-ce possible de nos jours Il est clair qu'un bon équilibre entre travail et vie privée ne peut être atteint que si certaines conditions font de l'emploi un lieu de travail qui ne nuit pas

    339 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bonjour


    Fashion in London London is in the south of England is too capital. England’s capital and fashion’s capital. I choose this subject because i love the city of London, do Shopping with my friends for buy clothes and i’m fan of Fashion in london because for me it’s the new

    451 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Book Report - My Stroke of Insight

    Book Report - My Stroke of Insight

    Image associée ________________ Jill Bolte Taylor is an American, Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist who majored in Mental illnesses and more specifically Schizophrenia, influenced by her brother’s disease. She was really involved in her work, she worked for the NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) and also for the Harvard Brain

    940 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Books, Movies, which one

    Books, Movies, which one

    Books, Movies, which ones ? A few weeks ago, a survey was created in order to know is studens prefer to watch movies rather than reading books. In fact, the results were very tight : 45% of them prefere movies where as 38% believe that literature is more interesant, the

    460 Mots / 2 Pages


    * Bowling For Columbine “Bowling For Columbine” is a documentary directed, written, produced and narrated by Michael Moore. He investigates the violence caused by firearms in the United States. His starting point is the Columbine High School tragedy in Colorado in 1999 where 12 students and one teacher were murdered

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Brasserie lancelot et la culture bretonne

    Brasserie lancelot et la culture bretonne

    Brasserie Lancelot et la culture bretonne La brasserie Lancelot est une Entreprise SASU (société par actions simplifiée à associé unique) crée en 1989 par Bernard Lancelot. Elle se situe au Roc-Saint-André dans le Morbihan. Cette PME produit et vend des boissons alcoolisées ainsi que des boissons non alcoolisés. Elle

    1 287 Mots / 6 Pages


    PETIT DÉJEUNER TYPIQUE ANGLOPHONE I will talk about the breakfast typical anglophone In a first part, i will talk about English break fast or Irish breakfast ; in Ireland is the traditional lunch typical of English speaking countries, one of the British angloman emblems, famous around the world, its wealth

    340 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Breaking bad

    Breaking bad

    Introduction Breaking bad is an American television series created by Vince Gilligan broadcast on 20January 2008 to 29 September 2013 on AMC in the United States and Canada, and then on Netflix. Walter "Walt" White is a high school chemistry teacher, and lives with his disabled son and his pregnant

    304 Mots / 2 Pages
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