Fiche de lecture : BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Yassine Sersar • 17 Décembre 2018 • Fiche de lecture • 283 Mots (2 Pages) • 775 Vues
Bowling For Columbine
“Bowling For Columbine” is a documentary directed, written, produced and narrated by Michael Moore.
He investigates the violence caused by firearms in the United States. His starting point is the Columbine High School tragedy in Colorado in 1999 where 12 students and one teacher were murdered and many more were injured. Moore shows that the American media always designates the same scapegoats to justify gun murders: the violence of Hollywood films and the destructive anarchism of musicians like Marilyn Manson.
Also, the title’s meaning is ambiguous, is bowling perhaps the problem?
Moreover, Moore alternates between interviews and archive footage to allow the viewer to freely interpret.
It is a very satirical criticism of the U.S society. Important dates in the history of the United States are given to us through this document. We can see in the video that people have always been scared of someone, of the unknown so to defend themselves they have used guns through the years. First it started when pilgrims arrived in the New World (1620) and used their guns against Native Americans. It continued with the witch hunt, then they kill the British to become free. The Second amendment was passed and the carrying of guns is authorized but it does not stop there. Years later Samuel Colt made fire arms popular (1836), after there was a civil war, the formation of the KKK and the NRA. All this shows very clearly through a video that the history of the USA is closely linked to the use of guns.Indeed, Americans got their independence thanks to guns, conquered the West thanks to guns,and kept their nation thanks to guns. They have always relied on their guns to protect themselves.